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Your bed time
Before 10 PM
10 PM - 12 AM
12 AM - 02 AM
02 AM - 04 AM
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Jun 17, 2007 6:32 PM

Jun 2007
A normal work night i would head to be between 10:30-11pm, in weekends.. i'd say 12.30 is about the norm ^^
Jun 17, 2007 11:39 PM

Mar 2007
Lately I have been trying to go to bed by at least 2:00 am... but I have been laying in bed for an hour or so unable to sleep due to the heat leately... wish I had A/C in my room (also... the fact that the A/C is broke does not make things any better)
Jun 17, 2007 11:41 PM

Jan 2007
Devil said:
have guys ever tried not sleeping?

Only once. I was a walking zombie the rest of the day. && i had some meeting up with friends i had to do. Not fun in the blazing sun.

So because of MAL, iono, i`ve been going to bed at like 2-4AM. Thanks Xinil.
But i wake up at like 11 & 10. HOWEVER.
Staying at Autumns` i got to bed at 4-5ish & wake up at 8 to go home. [but that`s probably because she has cats & i`m allergic to their fur. & she doesn`t have a sweeper, so i try to get outta there ASAP]
the News says we should have like 10 hours of sleep;; doesn`t it?
Jun 18, 2007 10:58 AM

Jun 2007
Devil said:
have guys ever tried not sleeping?
Yeah, I have and I can go abou three days without sleeping, the first and second day don't really bother me but on the third I can't think straight(does that mean I think ghey? O.o) but I do get more productive than normal on the third day, mainly so that I don't have time to fall asleep xD
Jun 19, 2007 10:17 AM
Jun 2007
jeez i dont see how u can stay up for 3 days
most i stayed up for is 32 hours
Jun 19, 2007 10:22 AM

Nov 2004
Jun 21, 2007 10:29 AM

Jan 2007

During the school week I usually go to bed at 10:30 pm or 11pm.
Since it's summer my bed time varies.
Jun 21, 2007 12:19 PM

Jun 2007
I go to bed about 12am. I have to wake up at 5:30am so it's not a lot of sleep if I stay up too late.

I usually have to pull all nighters when I have a deadline. One guy I worked with didn't go home and slept in the building for a week. He only got an hour here and there and refused to go home until he was done. Man that's dedication ;)

I've Been Watching Anime for 20 years now. Can you beat that?
Jun 23, 2007 12:15 AM

Nov 2006
I go to bed around 3pm and sleep til about 12am

Jun 23, 2007 1:18 AM

Mar 2007
Normally I sleep around 10:30pm but if im watching anime, I've slept at 3am b4! Multiple times!
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Jun 27, 2007 6:46 AM
Apr 2007
when the whiskey runs out
Jun 27, 2007 7:09 AM
Jun 27, 2007 8:18 AM

May 2005
Depend on what I am doing. Usually I go to sleep between 12-2 am.
Jun 27, 2007 11:24 AM

Jun 2007
Typically I go to bed between 12am - 2am, but sometimes I have to work at night and I end up going to bed around 7 in the morning. lol
Jun 27, 2007 1:20 PM

Jun 2007
I tend to stay up until about 3 if I can sleep in and usually go to bed 12-2 if I have work or school. During most of last schoolyear I'd stay up all night or until about 5 if I had papers due, because I'd never start them until 3 or 4.
Jun 27, 2007 2:08 PM

Feb 2005
I usually go to bed when I feel's 23:08 now, but for some reason I feel sleepy already...Probably woke up a bit earlier than usual today...
Jun 27, 2007 2:21 PM

Mar 2007
Usually between 10-12 pm but if i'm on the last episodes of an anime I usually take them all in one take =),, or else i'll just be lying in bed wondering how it will end!
Jun 27, 2007 7:58 PM

Jan 2007
Usually right around 6 or 7 AM is when I finally turn in. Sometimes I end up awake until noon though....
Jun 27, 2007 8:17 PM

May 2007
I once went 89 hours with only 6 hours of sleep. O_o
College finals can do that to you.
Jun 28, 2007 7:57 AM

Jun 2007
After 12 is when I go to sleep.. sometimes 1, it depends on what i'm doing. If I'm watching TV.. I get sleepy faster so about 12, but if I'm on the internet and watching anime, or chatting to friends.. I'm on until about 2.

Jun 28, 2007 10:17 AM

May 2007
During school i go to bed bout 1-2 am, but thanx to summer vacation i usualy go to bed at 4-5 am depends if I found a good anime to download ^_^
Jun 29, 2007 3:14 AM

Mar 2007
ranges for me. mostly on what time i wake up. 6am now, and ive yet to be to bed. but then again, i woke up at 8pm.

yesterday, i stayed up till midnight (because I hadnt been to bed for 26 hours.. meaning i woke up at 10pm the night before)

But for the most part, usually about 8am on average.
Jun 29, 2007 11:44 AM

Jun 2007
i usually don't even feel tired until after 12 am. Then it all depends if there's anything good on TV. If I have work in the morning I try to go to bed earlier but it usually doesn't work. I'm in bed but...not sleeping.

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Jun 29, 2007 12:15 PM

Dec 2006
It's usually around ~5 AM that I go to bed since I hate sleeping :-)
Jul 1, 2007 10:39 AM

Jun 2007
school nights 10pm or around there, weekends/summer/other vacations 12-2am

Jul 1, 2007 11:01 AM

Apr 2007
2 AM. I'm perfectly aware of the fact that i have to get to work by 7 AM but i just can't sleep before 2 AM ...
Jul 1, 2007 2:07 PM

Apr 2007
somewhere between 11PM and 06AM.
Jul 1, 2007 2:21 PM

Aug 2006
well...a few months ago i was used to go to sleep at 5-6 am and woke up arround 12-13
well i decide i should wake up more early and since that i've been shorting my time sleep ..right now i'm going to sleep at 2 am (yea exactly at that hour) and woke up at 8 am...well its not enough since when i woke up i'm still asleep even though i maybe woke up even before the o'clock alarm sounds...well . i will stop shorting my sleep time once i can sleep 6 hours without problems..yea . i don't have nothing to do sleeping either when i'm awake but at least awake i'm more usefull thinking paranoic things than sleeping without remenber my usefull dreams
deviantart died

dedanda, katsore, sasore, ataerande
Jul 1, 2007 4:28 PM

Jun 2007
Normally, while goin to my school i am goin to bed at 10pm-1am

Now, vacation time, its 1am-5am =)
Jul 3, 2007 4:11 AM

Jun 2007
I usually go to bed around 9.30, then I have a shower, read a book and go to sleep around 10.30.
Jul 4, 2007 12:24 AM

May 2007
On weekends/holidays, I tend to stay up to 4-5. Regular days, around 12-1, but 2 at the least.
Jul 8, 2007 5:20 PM

Dec 2006
Since it's summer and my work is not in the morning -> around 4-5 AM ^^
Jul 8, 2007 11:55 PM

Jul 2007
It's summer, so... usually around sunrise.. @_@ Or sometimes I don't sleep at all... *yawwwn*;
Aug 3, 2007 6:38 AM

Jul 2007
Lieke said:
I usually go to bed around 9.30, then I have a shower, read a book and go to sleep around 10.30.
that's pretty early.. sounds like my dad's sleeping routine. =P

AnimusNathan said:
My average is 4-5am. Wake up at 10am-12pm.
I have a few friends with the same sleeping time as you and I call them zombies. XD

HaddenIV said:
I lay down with the intention of going to sleep at around 11-12pm, however I usualy find myself lying in bed lucky to actually be asleep by 1am.
Ah yes, that happen to me if I try to sleep earlier than I usually do or I have a lot of things on my mind so it was hard to fall asleep.

My average sleeping time is about 2-4am each day. If I'm watching a really addictive anime, I sometimes don't sleep till 10am the next day. haha.
Aug 3, 2007 7:25 AM

Jul 2007
School/work days: Anytime from 10pm to Midnight, wake up at 6:30am
Other days: Anytime from 11pm to 3pm, normally wake up around 10am-11am
Aug 3, 2007 8:38 AM

Jul 2007
depends on my mood
since it's the summer, i tend to stay up til 4
I try to not pull all nighters unless I'm watching a REAALY good anime

But I can't do anything before 11 pm. It just doesn't feel right o_O
Aug 3, 2007 8:50 AM

Jul 2007
Usually 10pm. I like to wake up earlier than my family...
Aug 3, 2007 12:58 PM

Jul 2006
Well,I try and get to bed by 11:30 most nights, since I wake up at 6:30 each morning.....
Usually I don't get to sleep until 12:30 or so
Aug 3, 2007 1:36 PM
Jul 2007
usually it is 10 pm-12 am (sometimes even 2am) when I have free time. In school time it is usually Before 10 pm. But.. all depends on anime I watch :P. When it's good I'm watching it to the very end but when it is weak I'm turning my computer off and going to bed :>
Aug 3, 2007 1:59 PM

Dec 2006
normally I go to bed between 2 and 4 however it not really rare that it becomes 5.30 or something like that
Aug 4, 2007 2:59 AM

Aug 2007
I don't have school or something like that at the moment (I'm going to start studying this autumn). If I would have, I would go to bed around 10pm, but at the moments it's between 1am and 4am. XD
Aug 4, 2007 4:13 AM

Aug 2007
When i have school i aim for a before ten'o'clock but then it is always later.
On weekends/holidays probably around 11-1.
Aug 5, 2007 3:45 PM
Jul 2007
Usually I go to bed between 2-4 AM, but I think it'll change greatly from next week on. Too bad. :P
Aug 6, 2007 2:54 PM

Aug 2007
I'm having a great time during my uni holidays getting up and going to bed whenever I feel like it, irrespective of the time. Last "night" I went to bed at about 1PM and got up today about 8.30PM. The day before I went to sleep at 6AM and woke at 4PM.
I think my ideal day length is much longer than 24 hours...I should move to Mars or something (though only 47 extra minutes is a bit of a raw deal). Probably more like 28-30 hour day would suit me better, I think.
Aug 6, 2007 8:15 PM

Jul 2007
On school days I usually go to bed at 1 AM and wake up at 6:30 (or later depending on the day). On the weekends I go to bed at about 4 AM and wake up... about 8-10 hours later. During summer break (right now) I go to bed... whenever. Yesterday I went to bed at 7:30 AM and woke up 4 hours later. Right now it's 5 AM already. I hate going to bed because it takes too long for me to fall asleep. If I could instantly fall asleep just by lying in my bed and closing my eyes I'd probably go to bed at 22:00 on school days. But I do like living in the night.
Aug 6, 2007 8:34 PM

Aug 2007
I used to go to bed well after 2am... for a while I would stay up all night, go to school, sleep when I got home just in enough time to wake up and get online for the night... and during the summer I would just stay up and go to bed when I got tired... until I got a babysitting job, then I had to be awake by 5:30am.

Now that I'm in college... sometimes I am sleepy by 11:30!!! This is usually when I've been awake since 7am.
That makes me feel so old XD
Aug 6, 2007 10:30 PM

Aug 2007
i go to bed around 2, after bleach and FMA
although now that i'm going into college i'm probably going to be going to bed alot earlier though
Aug 6, 2007 11:52 PM

Jul 2007
I prefer to get up early in the morning, so I tend to go to bed around 11pm and get up at 6am - makes the day longer for me and often, the only sun we get around here is between 5 and 9. I miss the sun.. *sigh*
Aug 7, 2007 4:19 PM

May 2007
Usually around 2. School nights, 1130 @_@
Aug 8, 2007 10:44 PM

Aug 2007
Usually around 1am, but I've been sleeping around 11pm recently =/
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