Lately I have been trying to go to bed by at least 2:00 am... but I have been laying in bed for an hour or so unable to sleep due to the heat leately... wish I had A/C in my room (also... the fact that the A/C is broke does not make things any better)
Only once. I was a walking zombie the rest of the day. && i had some meeting up with friends i had to do. Not fun in the blazing sun.
So because of MAL, iono, i`ve been going to bed at like 2-4AM. Thanks Xinil.
But i wake up at like 11 & 10. HOWEVER.
Staying at Autumns` i got to bed at 4-5ish & wake up at 8 to go home. [but that`s probably because she has cats & i`m allergic to their fur. & she doesn`t have a sweeper, so i try to get outta there ASAP]
the News says we should have like 10 hours of sleep;; doesn`t it?
Yeah, I have and I can go abou three days without sleeping, the first and second day don't really bother me but on the third I can't think straight(does that mean I think ghey? O.o) but I do get more productive than normal on the third day, mainly so that I don't have time to fall asleep xD
I go to bed about 12am. I have to wake up at 5:30am so it's not a lot of sleep if I stay up too late.
I usually have to pull all nighters when I have a deadline. One guy I worked with didn't go home and slept in the building for a week. He only got an hour here and there and refused to go home until he was done. Man that's dedication ;)
I've Been Watching Anime for 20 years now. Can you beat that?
I tend to stay up until about 3 if I can sleep in and usually go to bed 12-2 if I have work or school. During most of last schoolyear I'd stay up all night or until about 5 if I had papers due, because I'd never start them until 3 or 4.
I usually go to bed when I feel's 23:08 now, but for some reason I feel sleepy already...Probably woke up a bit earlier than usual today...
Usually between 10-12 pm but if i'm on the last episodes of an anime I usually take them all in one take =),, or else i'll just be lying in bed wondering how it will end!
After 12 is when I go to sleep.. sometimes 1, it depends on what i'm doing. If I'm watching TV.. I get sleepy faster so about 12, but if I'm on the internet and watching anime, or chatting to friends.. I'm on until about 2.
i usually don't even feel tired until after 12 am. Then it all depends if there's anything good on TV. If I have work in the morning I try to go to bed earlier but it usually doesn't work. I'm in bed but...not sleeping.
well...a few months ago i was used to go to sleep at 5-6 am and woke up arround 12-13
well i decide i should wake up more early and since that i've been shorting my time sleep ..right now i'm going to sleep at 2 am (yea exactly at that hour) and woke up at 8 am...well its not enough since when i woke up i'm still asleep even though i maybe woke up even before the o'clock alarm sounds...well . i will stop shorting my sleep time once i can sleep 6 hours without problems..yea . i don't have nothing to do sleeping either when i'm awake but at least awake i'm more usefull thinking paranoic things than sleeping without remenber my usefull dreams
Lieke said: I usually go to bed around 9.30, then I have a shower, read a book and go to sleep around 10.30.
that's pretty early.. sounds like my dad's sleeping routine. =P
AnimusNathan said: My average is 4-5am. Wake up at 10am-12pm.
I have a few friends with the same sleeping time as you and I call them zombies. XD
HaddenIV said: I lay down with the intention of going to sleep at around 11-12pm, however I usualy find myself lying in bed lucky to actually be asleep by 1am.
Ah yes, that happen to me if I try to sleep earlier than I usually do or I have a lot of things on my mind so it was hard to fall asleep.
My average sleeping time is about 2-4am each day. If I'm watching a really addictive anime, I sometimes don't sleep till 10am the next day. haha.
usually it is 10 pm-12 am (sometimes even 2am) when I have free time. In school time it is usually Before 10 pm. But.. all depends on anime I watch :P. When it's good I'm watching it to the very end but when it is weak I'm turning my computer off and going to bed :>
I don't have school or something like that at the moment (I'm going to start studying this autumn). If I would have, I would go to bed around 10pm, but at the moments it's between 1am and 4am. XD
I'm having a great time during my uni holidays getting up and going to bed whenever I feel like it, irrespective of the time. Last "night" I went to bed at about 1PM and got up today about 8.30PM. The day before I went to sleep at 6AM and woke at 4PM.
I think my ideal day length is much longer than 24 hours...I should move to Mars or something (though only 47 extra minutes is a bit of a raw deal). Probably more like 28-30 hour day would suit me better, I think.
On school days I usually go to bed at 1 AM and wake up at 6:30 (or later depending on the day). On the weekends I go to bed at about 4 AM and wake up... about 8-10 hours later. During summer break (right now) I go to bed... whenever. Yesterday I went to bed at 7:30 AM and woke up 4 hours later. Right now it's 5 AM already. I hate going to bed because it takes too long for me to fall asleep. If I could instantly fall asleep just by lying in my bed and closing my eyes I'd probably go to bed at 22:00 on school days. But I do like living in the night.
I used to go to bed well after 2am... for a while I would stay up all night, go to school, sleep when I got home just in enough time to wake up and get online for the night... and during the summer I would just stay up and go to bed when I got tired... until I got a babysitting job, then I had to be awake by 5:30am.
Now that I'm in college... sometimes I am sleepy by 11:30!!! This is usually when I've been awake since 7am.
That makes me feel so old XD
I prefer to get up early in the morning, so I tend to go to bed around 11pm and get up at 6am - makes the day longer for me and often, the only sun we get around here is between 5 and 9. I miss the sun.. *sigh*