If people need to lose you in order to realize what they had with you then i personally dont think thats love, that's falling in love with a persons absence, get back together and watch it happen all over again.
Did the same right now.. he thinks I'm selfish because I won't give in to his physical demands while we still aren't in a relationship after 6 years. And no super bowl together, that's what started all this. Never have done super bowl and valentine's day, either... He thinks I ask for too much.
Ditto … I said do not contact me ! He’s honoring that! I’m writing out my thoughts when they pop in my head ! I do great until I hear a love song! I’m still very much in love with him. Day 16 💔
@@anna-mariagriego8585No dear. You do not ask for too much. Be certain for this. Listen to your soul and its needs. Otherwise it is always as If you are betraying yourself. I am trying to do the same thing.
its not a game.. you missed the point. if you want him to chaise you, you still don't know your worth. its truly walking away when you feel not respected. but its probably too late for him anyway. its a scenario that doesn't end well as it seams, but in reality it does so for both of you in terms of growth
It’s not playing games - actually the opposite. He’s not saying leave a perfectly relationship where you get along and agree on your future life. The point is that if your needs aren’t being met or if he’s not willing to commit and take the next step and you want that - leave. It’s about respecting yourself and by respecting yourself you show your value.
Really great video. Ive just walked away . Difficult but ultimately win win..... If he levels up great, if not great 😂 such a freeing feeling when we finally reach this point. Love to all including him 👌🏽🙏🏽❤
My guy...may have felt these ways....but instead of processing and growth he just instantly jumped on the next girls he found...I didn't realize I was just a tool...for his narcissistic need.
Just walked away from a 6 year relationship it hurt at first until i shifted my mind and looked myself in the mirror and if he doesnt want me its ok, whats not ok is me crying over someone who is ready to lose me when I refused proposals from other man, rejected my ex trying to get back with me and I rejected him cos i loved him. Well i love me now, he get go to the nearest cliff im WALKING AWAY 😂😂
@rknihay we were engaged and he wanted a child, I got pregnant and lost the child at eight months, he quickly wanted me to fall pregnant again and I wasn't ready and he went and made another girl pregnant and came back to say let's raise the child 🤣🤣
@@faithing88 Glad you dodged that bullet. I was just hoping you didn't miss out on any good ones. I would've been pissed but hey hind sight is 20/20 now.
And when he must deal with his own mortality, the same thing happens. If he was ever at any time in his lifetime , complacent about the relationship. I know because I had always been there for him until the end. I’m rewarded in a way, but there’s no reward like hope and the fulfillment of that hope in love. 😢❤❤
You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more! HELP US TO be able to DECIPHER CORRECTLY, "WHICH" VIDEOS ARE "ORIGINAL" AND FROM JORDAN PETERSON AND WHIHC ARE NOT; WHY WOULD "HE" N E E D ALL OF THESE "VARIOUS CHANNELS" TO PLAY HIS DISSERTATIONS ??? REMEMBER TO DISLIKE AND NOT SUBSCRIBE TO "UNKNOWN" PRODUCERS HIJACKING OTHER CREATORS' VIDEO CLIPS??! ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!! "I Ain't no Middleman", "You're the Reason I'm Not Married," And "Man on the Run" Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025! FredGold&LyndaFaye LyndaFayeSmusic@gmail
You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more! HELP US TO be able to DECIPHER CORRECTLY, "WHICH" VIDEOS ARE "ORIGINAL" AND FROM JORDAN PETERSON AND WHIHC ARE NOT; WHY WOULD "HE" N E E D ALL OF THESE "VARIOUS CHANNELS" TO PLAY HIS DISSERTATIONS ??? REMEMBER TO DISLIKE AND NOT SUBSCRIBE TO "UNKNOWN" PRODUCERS HIJACKING OTHER CREATORS' VIDEO CLIPS??! ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!! "I Ain't no Middleman", "You're the Reason I'm Not Married," And "Man on the Run" Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025! FredGold&LyndaFaye LyndaFayeSmusic@gmail
Yes the great paradox, I was always available now he needs time alone and will ring me when he's 'ready'. I've reached out twice via text but never again 😢
Don’t give your time to someone like this. Move on and value your time better with the next person. Any more time spent with this person is wasting time to heal yourself and find a better person
Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials! You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more! HELP US TO be able to DECIPHER CORRECTLY, "WHICH" VIDEOS ARE "ORIGINAL" AND FROM JORDAN PETERSON AND WHIHC ARE NOT; WHY WOULD "HE" N E E D ALL OF THESE "VARIOUS CHANNELS" TO PLAY HIS DISSERTATIONS ??? REMEMBER TO DISLIKE AND NOT SUBSCRIBE TO "UNKNOWN" PRODUCERS HIJACKING OTHER CREATORS' VIDEO CLIPS??! ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!! "I Ain't no Middleman", "You're the Reason I'm Not Married," And "Man on the Run" Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025! FredGold&LyndaFaye LyndaFayeSmusic@gmail
Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials! You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more! HELP US TO be able to DECIPHER CORRECTLY, "WHICH" VIDEOS ARE "ORIGINAL" AND FROM JORDAN PETERSON AND WHIHC ARE NOT; WHY WOULD "HE" N E E D ALL OF THESE "VARIOUS CHANNELS" TO PLAY HIS DISSERTATIONS ??? REMEMBER TO DISLIKE AND NOT SUBSCRIBE TO "UNKNOWN" PRODUCERS HIJACKING OTHER CREATORS' VIDEO CLIPS??! ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!! "I Ain't no Middleman", "You're the Reason I'm Not Married," And "Man on the Run" Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025! FredGold&LyndaFaye LyndaFayeSmusic@gmail
This isn't so much about winning a dismissive man back... it's more about you realizing that you are worth more than being dismissed. It's gives you time to grow and learn that your worth is more valuable than the pain he has made you feel. Basically, if this doesn't work on him...then you're better off growing without him.
Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials! You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more! HELP US TO be able to DECIPHER CORRECTLY, "WHICH" VIDEOS ARE "ORIGINAL" AND FROM JORDAN PETERSON AND WHIHC ARE NOT; WHY WOULD "HE" N E E D ALL OF THESE "VARIOUS CHANNELS" TO PLAY HIS DISSERTATIONS ??? REMEMBER TO DISLIKE AND NOT SUBSCRIBE TO "UNKNOWN" PRODUCERS HIJACKING OTHER CREATORS' VIDEO CLIPS??! ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!! "I Ain't no Middleman", "You're the Reason I'm Not Married," And "Man on the Run" Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025! FredGold&LyndaFaye LyndaFayeSmusic@gmail
I need some advice here, I loved a man for 4yrs in long distance relationship from a different continent, he is now asking me to leave my good job and country and go stay with him, I’m afraid if he dump me after , should I leave him and continue my life or I should go stay with him? So confused
Do you BOTH value his current job, status, situation and country higher than yours? Generally things work out better If the man makes the move. However, if he is willing to look after you for 3-4 months while you find your feet and you like where he lives then why not get a temporary work or visiting visa and try it out. Then return to your home country and discuss citizenship options should you return to his country on a more permanent basis? It could be a really good opportunity for you to explore a new country/culture and broaden your horizons, especially if you can expand your career elsewhere. Your company might be willing to take you back after a three month sabbatical if you go speak to HR and go about it the right way. Explore your options.
I'm currently leaving a 14 month long distance relationship but in the same country Long distance rarely works. I only recently found out he has a wife. God revealed the evidence to me. I would say making a move to another country is a huge decision I'm assuming you know everything about this person I thought I did...I was wrong
@@paratrooper73 totally agree with your answer You can know "about" the person but unless you "do life " with them you really don't know them No clue about their habits, their hygiene, their respect for others, how they handle sudden trials unexpectedly, are they generous and patient with others, the list is endless. You only know what they choose to tell u long distance You don't see them in action
I was wondering about that. Too much of this stuff around. Apparently AI can now do podcast style stuff now too. Imagine wasting time listening to your favourite podcaster have a conversation with someone that never happened? It's just weird and intrusive. I don't care what an AI algorithm thinks someone would say. Thank you for saving my time (I'm only 1 minute in).
While much of this is observationally accurate, it’s elementarily general and devoid of deeper ethical direction. Every human exists in a body we never requested and thus must navigate the social and cultural constructs surrounding that: man/woman, straight/queer, black/brown/white, poor/wealthy- all these things influence how we navigate the world whether we asked for them. And yet there are inherent moral and ethical principles that should ideally be guideposts for how we navigate our lives. While men and women may be different and process things differently, it’s on the responsibility of all cognizant beings to understand and utilize the BASIC OBSERVANT INFORMATION offered here as something to base how to be better, more connective and more considerate towards if we want to have expansive relationships with others. This basically is as if you explored what it is to be a woman and the differences of any social construct but left out that it’s just informative or relative and not at all directive. You’re telling me something I know, and it’s nice to have validation- but validation isn’t excusatory. It’s nice for people to understand the differences we deal with. But my difference doesn’t mean I get to make the only reason I have compassion or care a thing based in someone else’s actions.
Possibly and Probably, THIEVES come in all different capacity , yes ? Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials! You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more! HELP US TO be able to DECIPHER CORRECTLY, "WHICH" VIDEOS ARE "ORIGINAL" AND FROM JORDAN PETERSON AND WHIHC ARE NOT; WHY WOULD "HE" N E E D ALL OF THESE "VARIOUS CHANNELS" TO PLAY HIS DISSERTATIONS ??? REMEMBER TO DISLIKE AND NOT SUBSCRIBE TO "UNKNOWN" PRODUCERS HIJACKING OTHER CREATORS' VIDEO CLIPS??! ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!! "I Ain't no Middleman", "You're the Reason I'm Not Married," And "Man on the Run" Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025! FredGold&LyndaFaye LyndaFayeSmusic@gmail
Advise should be attained from those educated to give it adequately. Jordan Peterson MIGHT NEVER EVER SEE these comments. And LAZY producers who copy other peoples' original material SURELY won't want to read comments! .THIEVES come in all different capacity , yes ? Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials! You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more! HELP US TO be able to DECIPHER CORRECTLY, "WHICH" VIDEOS ARE "ORIGINAL" AND FROM JORDAN PETERSON AND WHIHC ARE NOT; WHY WOULD "HE" N E E D ALL OF THESE "VARIOUS CHANNELS" TO PLAY HIS DISSERTATIONS ??? REMEMBER TO DISLIKE AND NOT SUBSCRIBE TO "UNKNOWN" PRODUCERS HIJACKING OTHER CREATORS' VIDEO CLIPS??! ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!! "I Ain't no Middleman", "You're the Reason I'm Not Married," And "Man on the Run" Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025! FredGold&LyndaFaye LyndaFayeSmusic@gmail
Well too bad he lives across the strt and i cant really be too far away. 🤦♀️ Def astarted to not value me. I heard this video too too too late all the wrong moves have already happened....
I think maybe you have the information you need about him and doing the hard thing of finding a way to be okay without him or anyone for that matter is the thing that would help heal. Not saying it wasn’t hard or doesn’t feel awful or you don’t deserve better. Just saying you deserve what you need whether the man/woman/anyone is shitty or not, or whether there is one at all. You just deserve what you need and always have. Not getting it from someone who promised but didn’t give it makes that truth any less
@ameliacash1402 thank u. He's an avoidant. He lives across the street from me. I'm doing my best to just not be seen and keep my distance and keep my curtains closed no contact. He was just doing his avoidant attachment stuff that I guess they all do and manipulating me. Then calls me on Monday after he discarded me. I didn't talk or stay on the phone just so blah about what he did. My other ex way before him was a complete narcissist and physically abusive that was way worse and terrible I got a lifetime restraining order now on that one. . So back to being single and taking care of myself and not letting men who abuse or are emotionally unavailable come into my life I hope.
Hello, Belly Dancer. Do you know an accomplished bellydancer who lived on Decker Canyon, Malibu? Love to find her again btw. Advise should be attained from those educated to give it adequately. Jordan Peterson MIGHT NEVER EVER SEE these comments. And LAZY producers who copy other peoples' original material SURELY won't want to read comments! .THIEVES come in all different capacity , yes ? Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials! You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more! HELP US TO be able to DECIPHER CORRECTLY, "WHICH" VIDEOS ARE "ORIGINAL" AND FROM JORDAN PETERSON AND WHIHC ARE NOT; WHY WOULD "HE" N E E D ALL OF THESE "VARIOUS CHANNELS" TO PLAY HIS DISSERTATIONS ??? REMEMBER TO DISLIKE AND NOT SUBSCRIBE TO "UNKNOWN" PRODUCERS HIJACKING OTHER CREATORS' VIDEO CLIPS??! ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!! "I Ain't no Middleman", "You're the Reason I'm Not Married," And "Man on the Run" Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025! FredGold&LyndaFaye LyndaFayeSmusic@gmail
WE should DEMAND that the REAL JORDAN PETERSON stop "allowing" video hijackers to REPLAY HIS ORIGINALS!! Advise should be attained from those educated to give it adequately. Jordan Peterson MIGHT NEVER EVER SEE these comments. And LAZY producers who copy other peoples' original material SURELY won't want to read comments! .THIEVES come in all different capacity , yes ? Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials! You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more! HELP US TO be able to DECIPHER CORRECTLY, "WHICH" VIDEOS ARE "ORIGINAL" AND FROM JORDAN PETERSON AND WHIHC ARE NOT; WHY WOULD "HE" N E E D ALL OF THESE "VARIOUS CHANNELS" TO PLAY HIS DISSERTATIONS ??? REMEMBER TO DISLIKE AND NOT SUBSCRIBE TO "UNKNOWN" PRODUCERS HIJACKING OTHER CREATORS' VIDEO CLIPS??! ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!! "I Ain't no Middleman", "You're the Reason I'm Not Married," And "Man on the Run" Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025! FredGold&LyndaFaye LyndaFayeSmusic@gmail
If people need to lose you in order to realize what they had with you then i personally dont think thats love, that's falling in love with a persons absence, get back together and watch it happen all over again.
Agree .. Otherwise why promotting marriage ..trust… stability.. fidelity
I just walked away from a relationship wherein i still love him but i have to let him go. It hurts but i have to do it.
I have been there. Most painful experience so far. You got this
same here.
Did the same right now.. he thinks I'm selfish because I won't give in to his physical demands while we still aren't in a relationship after 6 years. And no super bowl together, that's what started all this. Never have done super bowl and valentine's day, either... He thinks I ask for too much.
Ditto … I said do not contact me ! He’s honoring that! I’m writing out my thoughts when they pop in my head ! I do great until I hear a love song! I’m still very much in love with him.
Day 16
@@anna-mariagriego8585No dear. You do not ask for too much. Be certain for this. Listen to your soul and its needs. Otherwise it is always as If you are betraying yourself. I am trying to do the same thing.
I found myself in a cat and mouse situation. Finally this cat stopped playing the game.
I hate that we have to play those games I just want them to appreciate and love me
I'm with you. I don't like playing games either. Why can't people just be honest.❤
Don't be naive. We are all flawed.
its not a game.. you missed the point. if you want him to chaise you, you still don't know your worth. its truly walking away when you feel not respected. but its probably too late for him anyway. its a scenario that doesn't end well as it seams, but in reality it does so for both of you in terms of growth
It’s not playing games - actually the opposite. He’s not saying leave a perfectly relationship where you get along and agree on your future life. The point is that if your needs aren’t being met or if he’s not willing to commit and take the next step and you want that - leave. It’s about respecting yourself and by respecting yourself you show your value.
I walked away and he did some reflection and it was good because he realized that he needed to realize what he was losing
Yep! Happened to me and now he is doing the pursuing.
Really great video. Ive just walked away . Difficult but ultimately win win..... If he levels up great, if not great 😂 such a freeing feeling when we finally reach this point. Love to all including him 👌🏽🙏🏽❤
How did you do it?
I was happy to leave he took me for granted!
My guy...may have felt these ways....but instead of processing and growth he just instantly jumped on the next girls he found...I didn't realize I was just a tool...for his narcissistic need.
Just walked away from a 6 year relationship it hurt at first until i shifted my mind and looked myself in the mirror and if he doesnt want me its ok, whats not ok is me crying over someone who is ready to lose me when I refused proposals from other man, rejected my ex trying to get back with me and I rejected him cos i loved him. Well i love me now, he get go to the nearest cliff im WALKING AWAY 😂😂
He was not capable of having you - He is a broken and un-evovled man - you don't want that.
What was wrong with the other men?
@rknihay we were engaged and he wanted a child, I got pregnant and lost the child at eight months, he quickly wanted me to fall pregnant again and I wasn't ready and he went and made another girl pregnant and came back to say let's raise the child 🤣🤣
@@faithing88 Glad you dodged that bullet. I was just hoping you didn't miss out on any good ones. I would've been pissed but hey hind sight is 20/20 now.
Best comment ever!
And when he must deal with his own mortality, the same thing happens. If he was ever at any time in his lifetime , complacent about the relationship. I know because I had always been there for him until the end. I’m rewarded in a way, but there’s no reward like hope and the fulfillment of that hope in love. 😢❤❤
You are so right sir! I left him I call blocked him ! He's mad !
This will change my life! Thank you Jordan!
Bravo,bravo, bravo Dr Peterson !!! Thank you.👋
You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more!
ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!!
"I Ain't no Middleman",
"You're the Reason I'm Not Married,"
And "Man on the Run"
Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025!
Always glad to hear the words of Mr Peterson. ❤
You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more!
ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!!
"I Ain't no Middleman",
"You're the Reason I'm Not Married,"
And "Man on the Run"
Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025!
Fall? Fall?? You mean they become obsessed with the one they did not get to conquer and completely destroy!! Kmdrt. Demons don't fall in love!
Yes the great paradox, I was always available now he needs time alone and will ring me when he's 'ready'. I've reached out twice via text but never again 😢
It's never a good look to pursue a man. You will feel humiliated & he will resent you.
Don't be sad. You will soon be clear if he's serious. I also encourage you not to give a man your heart & body if your not married.
@danilaroche1156 thank you 😊... I agree totally with your advice, they change when you do
@@blossom6473both men and women change when they are having sex outside of marriage
Don’t give your time to someone like this. Move on and value your time better with the next person. Any more time spent with this person is wasting time to heal yourself and find a better person
My Man and I still keep communication. But, I cannot go with him. I need to go back to my country and go to work.
The owl of Minerva flies at dusk.
You're so right sir !
You cant hold on forever
Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials!
You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more!
ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!!
"I Ain't no Middleman",
"You're the Reason I'm Not Married,"
And "Man on the Run"
Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025!
You're right sir!!!
Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials!
You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more!
ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!!
"I Ain't no Middleman",
"You're the Reason I'm Not Married,"
And "Man on the Run"
Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025!
this doesnt work with dismissive avoidant men.
This isn't so much about winning a dismissive man back... it's more about you realizing that you are worth more than being dismissed. It's gives you time to grow and learn that your worth is more valuable than the pain he has made you feel. Basically, if this doesn't work on him...then you're better off growing without him.
I deleted his number he was dismissive
Amen !!!!!
What about avoidant attachment people?
This sounds like Chris Matthews who was on MSNBC. Oh, how I miss his show on MSNBC.
Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials!
You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more!
ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!!
"I Ain't no Middleman",
"You're the Reason I'm Not Married,"
And "Man on the Run"
Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025!
It doesnt matter if they neverbreturn
Thank you! Excellent!
I need some advice here, I loved a man for 4yrs in long distance relationship from a different continent, he is now asking me to leave my good job and country and go stay with him, I’m afraid if he dump me after , should I leave him and continue my life or I should go stay with him? So confused
If you don't go to try you will have all life regrets for not trying, so...decide!
Do you BOTH value his current job, status, situation and country higher than yours? Generally things work out better If the man makes the move. However, if he is willing to look after you for 3-4 months while you find your feet and you like where he lives then why not get a temporary work or visiting visa and try it out. Then return to your home country and discuss citizenship options should you return to his country on a more permanent basis? It could be a really good opportunity for you to explore a new country/culture and broaden your horizons, especially if you can expand your career elsewhere. Your company might be willing to take you back after a three month sabbatical if you go speak to HR and go about it the right way. Explore your options.
I'm currently leaving a 14 month long distance relationship but in the same country
Long distance rarely works. I only recently found out he has a wife. God revealed the evidence to me.
I would say making a move to another country is a huge decision
I'm assuming you know everything about this person
I thought I did...I was wrong
Your story already tells me there is not enough trust!
So don't! And trust that gut feeling. Choose you.
@@paratrooper73 totally agree with your answer
You can know "about" the person but unless you "do life " with them you really don't know them
No clue about their habits, their hygiene, their respect for others, how they handle sudden trials unexpectedly, are they generous and patient with others, the list is endless. You only know what they choose to tell u long distance
You don't see them in action
Boring. Going nowhere. I had nothing there.
I have life, i had to go.
I don't understand why is so angry!!!
Is this AI?
looks like AI
It is AI
@@lucianafasani most Peterson videos these days are.
I was wondering about that. Too much of this stuff around. Apparently AI can now do podcast style stuff now too. Imagine wasting time listening to your favourite podcaster have a conversation with someone that never happened? It's just weird and intrusive. I don't care what an AI algorithm thinks someone would say. Thank you for saving my time (I'm only 1 minute in).
Its Jordan Peterson a great modern day Philosopher.@lucianafasani
Focus on the message and not the messenger. All of these are AI. Anthony Hopkins, Denzel Washington's, etc.
Me are pathetic I doubt they even think that deeply about it.
GAMES! God says love doesn't do this! Rise above low human behaviour!
While much of this is observationally accurate, it’s elementarily general and devoid of deeper ethical direction. Every human exists in a body we never requested and thus must navigate the social and cultural constructs surrounding that: man/woman, straight/queer, black/brown/white, poor/wealthy- all these things influence how we navigate the world whether we asked for them. And yet there are inherent moral and ethical principles that should ideally be guideposts for how we navigate our lives. While men and women may be different and process things differently, it’s on the responsibility of all cognizant beings to understand and utilize the BASIC OBSERVANT INFORMATION offered here as something to base how to be better, more connective and more considerate towards if we want to have expansive relationships with others.
This basically is as if you explored what it is to be a woman and the differences of any social construct but left out that it’s just informative or relative and not at all directive.
You’re telling me something I know, and it’s nice to have validation- but validation isn’t excusatory. It’s nice for people to understand the differences we deal with. But my difference doesn’t mean I get to make the only reason I have compassion or care a thing based in someone else’s actions.
Is this ai. ?
Possibly and Probably, THIEVES come in all different capacity , yes ?
Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials!
You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more!
ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!!
"I Ain't no Middleman",
"You're the Reason I'm Not Married,"
And "Man on the Run"
Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025!
Same thing with a man
how can i leave, if i have children with him? i would have, otherwise...
Advise should be attained from those educated to give it adequately. Jordan Peterson MIGHT NEVER EVER SEE these comments. And LAZY producers who copy other peoples' original material SURELY won't want to read comments!
.THIEVES come in all different capacity , yes ?
Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials!
You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more!
ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!!
"I Ain't no Middleman",
"You're the Reason I'm Not Married,"
And "Man on the Run"
Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025!
He wanted two go a year now after 14 years and years off knowing him soechel I taught I was. But I’m not
Well too bad he lives across the strt and i cant really be too far away. 🤦♀️ Def astarted to not value me. I heard this video too too too late all the wrong moves have already happened....
I think maybe you have the information you need about him and doing the hard thing of finding a way to be okay without him or anyone for that matter is the thing that would help heal. Not saying it wasn’t hard or doesn’t feel awful or you don’t deserve better. Just saying you deserve what you need whether the man/woman/anyone is shitty or not, or whether there is one at all. You just deserve what you need and always have. Not getting it from someone who promised but didn’t give it makes that truth any less
@ameliacash1402 thank u. He's an avoidant. He lives across the street from me. I'm doing my best to just not be seen and keep my distance and keep my curtains closed no contact. He was just doing his avoidant attachment stuff that I guess they all do and manipulating me. Then calls me on Monday after he discarded me. I didn't talk or stay on the phone just so blah about what he did.
My other ex way before him was a complete narcissist and physically abusive that was way worse and terrible I got a lifetime restraining order now on that one. .
So back to being single and taking care of myself and not letting men who abuse or are emotionally unavailable come into my life I hope.
Hello, Belly Dancer.
Do you know an accomplished bellydancer who lived on Decker Canyon, Malibu? Love to find her again btw.
Advise should be attained from those educated to give it adequately. Jordan Peterson MIGHT NEVER EVER SEE these comments. And LAZY producers who copy other peoples' original material SURELY won't want to read comments!
.THIEVES come in all different capacity , yes ?
Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials!
You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more!
ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!!
"I Ain't no Middleman",
"You're the Reason I'm Not Married,"
And "Man on the Run"
Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025!
He is so mad thanks for telling me ! Good bye !
WE should DEMAND that the REAL JORDAN PETERSON stop "allowing" video hijackers to REPLAY HIS ORIGINALS!!
Advise should be attained from those educated to give it adequately. Jordan Peterson MIGHT NEVER EVER SEE these comments. And LAZY producers who copy other peoples' original material SURELY won't want to read comments!
.THIEVES come in all different capacity , yes ?
Thieves will "hold on" to everything, since there's apparently no overseer to Stolen You Tube Materials!
You might be playing an internet game of deceit and copyright infringement RIGHT NOW; We need to know more!
ATTENTION VIEWERS: ALWAYS CHECK ON WHO ARE THE PRODUCERS HERE ? ISN'T THIS A TRICK TO USE HIS GREAT ELOQUENCE AND KNOWLEDGE TO MERELY GET VIEWS,? DO NOT SUBSCRIBE AND DO NOT LIKE. HERE' S WHY!!We already SUBSCRIBED TO "Jordan Peterson's dissertations" so WHO IS THE "EMPOWER ZONE?" HOPE they aren't a different company just REPLAYING his clips for profit? And HOPE Dr. Peterson has access to a good lawsuit attorney? Why so many "producers" as in "distributors" (or hijackers) named Beyond Boundaries, Mindset Masters, and Empower Zone ? Perhaps Dr. Peterson can help CURTAIL this apparently approved by You Tube nonscience. ? "They" seem to "promote hijacking" of creativity by doing NOTHING ABOUT IT. (Robots are just too busy collecting money ?) waiting for a new video by PRODUCERS WHO REALLY ARE authorized to DISPLAY Jordon Peterson's REAL SPEECHES! I think he would have to TITLE his Channel " The Real Jordon Peterson" or other producers are going to keep STEALING and DISPLAYING his ORIGINALS!!
"I Ain't no Middleman",
"You're the Reason I'm Not Married,"
And "Man on the Run"
Copyrighted 2016 and Re-Copyrighted 2025!