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Hit the Mat Boxing and Wrestling
Hit the Mat Boxing and Wrestling
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MMA Mutiny vs Darrius Lost Match MP4

5/21/18 6:00 AM13 min300 MBmp4480p
Price12.49 EUR


Lost MMA match between Mutiny and Darrius!
Both start out on there knees and after a smack to the belly, Mutiny and Darrius lock up and go at it.  Darrius has a thing for trapping Mutiny in holds where her belly is exposed, and punching or hammering her! After some wrestling on the ground, Darrius manages to win the first tap from Mutiny.   The battle continues, and Mutiny submits Darrius with an armbar. Mutiny then starts the next roll whispering sweet nothing's in to Darrius's ear, then pulling him down and locking him in to her cleavage. Mutiny then wins another tap with headscissors, and taunts that she's up 2 to 1.  Darrius then wrestles her in to a vulnerable positive and turns her navel red with punches to the belly. Once Darrius gets Mutiny in to an armbar, she quickly taps again.  Mutiny goes after Darrius rather quickly, and Mutiny again gets Darrius trapped in to her cleavage, and transitions to another hold, where he taps.  Now Darrius dashes after Mutiny while her back is turned, getting her in to an rear naked choke He pounds her open belly, then lets her go, claiming she tapped. Mutiny gets back up a little woozy after that one, but manages to get him in a guillotine choke. Darrius power his way out and again uses Mutiny's red navel for target practice. She takes some punishment but manages to push him off, then manages to get on top of him, and makes him submit.  Before dismounting, she puts him in a breast smother for good measure! Darrius goes after her, puts her in a backbreaker with belly punching, more belly punching then finally putting her out with erhold.

Very grappling focused MMA match with some stiff body shots, and rough enough that Mutiny's body is turning red!

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