Jim Cramer makes sense of the recent market action

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • 'Mad Money' host Jim Cramer talks what is behind the day's market rally and how tariffs policy plays into it.

Комментарии • 60

  • @leswhynin913
    @leswhynin913 3 часа назад +5

    Cocaine once tested positive for Jim Cramer

  • @MasonVickers-i6e
    @MasonVickers-i6e 6 часов назад +10

    I watch this religiously to do the opposite of whatever he recommends. Inverse Cramer is the way to go!

  • @JimMcNutty
    @JimMcNutty 5 часов назад +6

    I love how 99% of comments are about how bad Cramer is like they could talk about stocks all day and be correct all the time.

  • @zevdob
    @zevdob 4 часа назад +2

    Cramer named his dog Nvidia 10 years ago before anyone ever heard of Nvidia. Did you name your dog Nvidia?

  • @MrMaguuuuuuuuu
    @MrMaguuuuuuuuu 7 часов назад +5

    These clowns talk the market down, buy up cheap stocks, then pump it up again…rinse and repeat.

    • @aaronmoravek
      @aaronmoravek 7 часов назад

      They only have so much pull.

    • @MrMaguuuuuuuuu
      @MrMaguuuuuuuuu 7 часов назад

      @ they coordinate with their hedgie friends

    • @Vix381
      @Vix381 7 часов назад


    • @Trump-rv4nz
      @Trump-rv4nz 2 часа назад

      @@Vix381proof is all over the place

  • @Peacesells1
    @Peacesells1 7 часов назад +1

    Good insight. Too many people letting politics and propaganda get them bearish when this is a nice dip to add on even if it goes lower later in the year.

  • @BillCurry-o6h
    @BillCurry-o6h 6 часов назад +1

    A stargazer that has NO idea of the market if you have followed him for any period of time!!!

  • @aaronmoravek
    @aaronmoravek 7 часов назад +1

    Make it make sense, even make something up if you can. Just make it make sense

  • @4kTrainVideos
    @4kTrainVideos 7 часов назад +1

    I still want one of those gasoline powered drills you spoke of! 😀👍

    • @PSCA1988
      @PSCA1988 7 часов назад

      It's probably a drildo, and I'm sure it's for his personal use only.

  • @shotbyronald
    @shotbyronald 4 часа назад

    He said he’s not a pupppet but he is 😂😂😂😂

  • @arthurspence7442
    @arthurspence7442 7 часов назад +6

    Bunch of bull

    • @Vix381
      @Vix381 7 часов назад +1

      Total malarkey

    • @ryan94956
      @ryan94956 6 часов назад

      They got to him.

  • @ronanand
    @ronanand 5 часов назад +1

    This narrative is getting unbearable. Trumper, what do you expect Jensen to say? Not a single piece of substance.

    • @AllenTran-y2n
      @AllenTran-y2n 2 часа назад

      Exactly what I was thinking! If the meeting was so wonderful like they said it was… why didn’t they show live clips of the meeting! And why did it take 2 weeks later to show this

  • @DarrylErickson
    @DarrylErickson 5 часов назад

    Lol. I last watched in 2006. He hasn't changed one single button on his board. 😂

  • @godzillamothra5983
    @godzillamothra5983 4 часа назад +1

    Americans want their cakes and eat it too..for free. Not going to happen, pals.

  • @steyyyjspapa
    @steyyyjspapa 7 часов назад +2

    I am at the beginning of my "investment journey", planning to put 385K into dividend stocks so that I will be making up to 30% annually in dividend returns. any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks will be appreciated.

    • @ShinodaPbp
      @ShinodaPbp 7 часов назад

      As a beginner, it is essential that you have a mentor to help you stay accountable. In my case, Marc Andrew Zabicki has guided me for years and I highly recommend him. I focus on him. To be honest, I'm almost hesitant to let someone take charge of growing my finances, but I'm so glad I did. ❤

    • @SandrineKouassir
      @SandrineKouassir 7 часов назад

      I managed to grow a nest egg of around 120k to over a Million just within 4 months. I'm especially grateful to Adviser Marc Andrew Zabicki, for his expertise and exposure to different areas of the market.

    • @ShinodaPbp
      @ShinodaPbp 7 часов назад

      well i am at $4.1 mil. Biggest positions PLTR, TSLA, SCHD, NVDA,BTC and now looking to build up DRGO alongside finding quality value & growth stocks to buy. I got $54k divs last time in taxable divs. Q2 taxable divs this year was $16,526 . don't sell when the market is down..

    • @SandrineKouassir
      @SandrineKouassir 7 часов назад

      Marc Andrew Zabicki has made an incredible impact on the trading community. His guidance and expertise have helped countless individuals achieve their financial goals and his contributions have set a new standard for excellence in the industry. We're truly grateful for his dedication and hard work, and I'm sure his legacy will continue to inspire others for years to come..

    • @steyyyjspapa
      @steyyyjspapa 7 часов назад

      how would you suggest i enter the crypto market? I am also looking at studying pro traders and using their strategy rather than investing myself . What's your take on this approach? and How can i reach him please?

  • @carlgemlich1657
    @carlgemlich1657 7 часов назад

    I guess the secret is to be a despicable human, but if you hold the levers of power, all is well.

  • @photoMorg
    @photoMorg 4 часа назад

    Trump capitulated period!

  • @toothlessseer3153
    @toothlessseer3153 6 часов назад

    People actually listen to this guy???
    _He sounds as though he's just had a stroke._

  • @KevinBaker-p9d
    @KevinBaker-p9d 5 часов назад

    Trump the tariff wreck

  • @FriedLexman
    @FriedLexman 5 часов назад

    rugpulling all the dip buyers inc

  • @AaronRussell-k9k
    @AaronRussell-k9k 6 часов назад +3

    Trump is a flip flopper 🤡

    • @Trump-rv4nz
      @Trump-rv4nz 2 часа назад

      What politician isn’t fool

  • @Trump-rv4nz
    @Trump-rv4nz 2 часа назад

    Mad 😡 money 💰 guy buy buy buy

  • @Truth_really_matters
    @Truth_really_matters 6 часов назад +1

    The uncertainty created by Trump administration to businesses and violation of human rights keeps investors away from the US no matter how much you noise this bro makes. Damage is done.

    • @Trump-rv4nz
      @Trump-rv4nz 2 часа назад +1

      What violations you’re delusional

    • @Truth_really_matters
      @Truth_really_matters 2 часа назад

      @ maybe you’re not aware what the ICE is doing? Raids, deportations of American citizens. Open your eyes as you could be next.

  • @christiancoronado
    @christiancoronado 6 часов назад

    cramer is awful

    • @skolvikings354
      @skolvikings354 3 часа назад

      Worth prob a hundred million more than you. Quit hating. He’s got talent. You on the other hand . . .

    • @christiancoronado
      @christiancoronado 2 часа назад

      @@skolvikings354 yes he is talented at impressing nitwits like you

  • @davidbruce5377
    @davidbruce5377 7 часов назад

    Alberta Canada's Premier Smith, literally asked the Admin, on Brietbart to hold off on the tariffs, until after the Canadian Federal election. Clear election interference - but this helps Trumps preferred partner, in the Conservative Poilievre. Imposing tariffs will assure the Conservative defeat. That's why Trump has signaled less tariffs.

  • @MrPlaugh1347
    @MrPlaugh1347 5 часов назад

    What do Donald Trump Jim Kramer mark? Levin and bloomberg having comment, they're small, and they can't stand it

  • @marcedrickirby6348
    @marcedrickirby6348 2 часа назад