It's Never Been Easier! Install Windows in Mac OS! No BootCamp required.

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 381

  • @MacSoundSolutions
    @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +9

    There are issues with 24H2 build so stay away from using the Microsoft Wndows 11.iso for now, hopfully they will fix the issue. It's a good idea to pause auto updates in Windows for now once the install is complete. The tiny11 build I used is based off of 23H2 so no probs. article here

    • @mvrck-pb5pk
      @mvrck-pb5pk 5 месяцев назад +1

      PSA of value Lance. Thanks again for your dedication for the Mac Pro community. Cheers

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +1

      Update on those having password issues: The user must be an administrator and the password must be from the administrator. If the User is standard, then no password works, not for the user, not for the administrator.

    • @eljefe759
      @eljefe759 3 месяца назад +1

      @@MacSoundSolutions A couple of days ago, I got a 1.1 and 5.1 for a bill. I have not purchased anything to upgrade it, but I followed your steps three times. The first time, I used the 24H2 build; the second time, I used the 23H2, but I couldn't get either one to load using an HHD. The third time, I switched it up and used a dockcase with an NVMe and got the 24H2 to boot. I set everything up, then booted into recovery and performed a restore.

    • @Traeton
      @Traeton 2 месяца назад

      Any update on getting 24H2 to work? I tried installing it several ways on my 5,1, and it will not work. 23H2 does work.

    • @hmd-1747
      @hmd-1747 15 дней назад

      ​@@Traetoni've just installed 24h2 windows 11 that i downloaded from Microsoft it's working fine and no issues i found

  • @JeepRepairTool
    @JeepRepairTool 4 месяца назад +4

    Thank you for making this video! I have been struggling with multiple Mac computers to install windows on them. I was unable to install Windows 10 using bootcamp on my 2017 iMac running Ventura or Sequoia and that was after all other unsupported ways failed. I was able to use the genuine ISO file of Windows 11 24H2 Downloaded today 11-20-24 from Microsoft. I now have a full version of 24H2 Windows 11 Pro that installed without any issues. I wish I knew about this method sooner as I had issues on my Mac mini 2018 last week as well.

  • @vicfirth1
    @vicfirth1 Месяц назад +2

    Thank you so much for this video! I tried this with the previous build of Windows 11, 23H2, and it works great on my Mac Pro 5,1. The Install process was so easy.

    • @mischka118
      @mischka118 9 дней назад +1

      Hallo, can yout tell me, where did you find the old 23H2 windows 11 iso

    • @vicfirth1
      @vicfirth1 8 дней назад +2

      @ I don’t remember exactly where. But I just googled it.

  • @brafya
    @brafya 5 месяцев назад +6

    another tiny11 common W. that guy does such great work. also this new installer is mindblowing, bootcamp is always such a slog to get through

  • @samgeorge2494
    @samgeorge2494 5 месяцев назад +2

    Hey, thank you for the excellent video. worked for me on my 5,1, updated to 24H2 ISO build (before I see your issue note) over the tiny version using CMD command, luckily I had no issue. (Mac 5,1 2012, Sequoia 15.1, W11 pro on separate WD SN770 NVME).

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад +1

      Yeah I Windows did all its updates and still works, not sure what my issue is on the install as it works fine with my 6,1.

  • @EverythingRetroComputers
    @EverythingRetroComputers 14 дней назад +1

    subscribed. absolute gem of a video. this guy is so underrated it should be illegal.

    • @EverythingRetroComputers
      @EverythingRetroComputers 14 дней назад

      bro can you help me? i want to use my amd sapphire hd 7870 but it doesnt have a bootloader. so I booted into the windows ssd via the original gpu that shipped with my 5,1. i held control before pressing enter so that would be the default option to boot from. i switched back to my hd 7870, black screen. i even removed every other hard drive, and still a black screen. i tried pram reset, pressing enter, still nothing. eventually i caved and installed it on the original gpu but that one sucks, it boots windows in 320p max 💀. when i switch to the amd gpu again, still a black screen. i cant seem to find any drivers for it because im using windows with it on a MAC, and when im trying to download drivers it tells me to choose what pc im using.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  10 дней назад

      @@EverythingRetroComputers you can’t boot windows without opencore protection, booting straight into windows can brick your Mac Pro 5,1 you need to update your graphics to a metal supported on the opencore legacy GitHub page. Get yourself a rx580
      or something compatible

    • @EverythingRetroComputers
      @EverythingRetroComputers 10 дней назад +1

      @@MacSoundSolutions okay, thanks. that makes sense i just wanted to make sure before i spent any money

  • @PentaClub
    @PentaClub Месяц назад

    Fantastique ! Bravo pour cette solution époustouflante d'efficacité, tant attendue ! Vos explications sont à la fois minutieuses et claires. Mille mercis.

  • @jdmarlow1919
    @jdmarlow1919 5 месяцев назад +3

    Another gem of a video. Thanks for what you do.

  • @raver-um3iu
    @raver-um3iu 5 месяцев назад +4

    Thanks for the video, worked for me on my 5.1.

  • @OsoDeAnteojos
    @OsoDeAnteojos Месяц назад

    Wow, if this were also the method to install macOS, it would be amazing! As always, great video - please keep them coming. My Mac Pro 5,1 will forever be grateful!

  • @AndresValdez54235
    @AndresValdez54235 5 месяцев назад +2

    Excellent video, looking forward to more of this series (make more than one, pls)

    • @AndresValdez54235
      @AndresValdez54235 21 день назад

      Hi Lance I finally try to install windows on my 5,1.(4 months after your release). The Tiny11 file that I downloaded had errors after dragging to the "Windows Install." I downloaded the "Windows ARM" file from Tiny11... There everything goes fine, and in my case it took loittle bit longer. When I reboot I am able to see the openCore bootloader and after the Windows installer loader... Everytime I click there the boot loops and return to the same screen. Perhaps is the installer I pick. Can you "share via mega or dropbox" your Tiny11 file?

  • @ProductivePM
    @ProductivePM 5 месяцев назад +6

    You are a Tech Rockstar! Thank you!

  • @davidcmcchesney
    @davidcmcchesney Месяц назад +1

    Another Good One Lance ! F.Y.I. Running 3 OS's on a NVMe is Cool, but if you put Windows on a Separate drive - i.e. main - bootable MacOS (Monterey, Ventura or Sonoma) on a SATA - SSD on a internal PCIe add in card and Windows and a APFS partiton on a NVMe on a internal PCIe card, than do your Install Windows trick You can install Paralells 16 to 19 (probably newer I dont have it) and easily Pass Thru your Windows installation and run MacOS and Windows 11 at the Same Time ! .....Works good so far on 4,1 - 48GB 1333 RAM, 6-core 3.33GHz CPU, RX580 8GB GPU - just gotta un-mount the Win11 if you want to access it in Paralells

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  Месяц назад

      @@davidcmcchesney nice but can you clean that up and post it again, so Mac OS on its own NVMe pcie card and Windows on its own? Then install parallels on the Mac NVMe….?

  • @pulmonic
    @pulmonic 4 месяца назад +1

    I followed the instructions and it’s working great thank you.

  • @parkervx1k
    @parkervx1k Месяц назад

    After commenting on your last video I think I’m going to try this!

  • @fookoo567
    @fookoo567 5 месяцев назад +2

    Great find Lance! Thank You Bro!

  • @lewisclare
    @lewisclare 4 дня назад +1

    this worked great for me, thank you!

  • @peterdotb
    @peterdotb 5 месяцев назад

    This is just incredible, Mr.Macintosh pls do a separate video on how to get all drivers up and running on Mac Pro 2013 6,1 when on a Windows 11 pro, I did do this a few months back but I forgot since and a video would go a long way and serve as refresher.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +1

      @@peterdotb Dude I am not Mr Macintosh? 🤔 but I am working on the 6,1!

  • @GradythaStudips
    @GradythaStudips 5 месяцев назад +1

    This is a method similar DISM install image i believe! Which i ended up having to use to install windows to usb sata on my mac pro. Very cool

  • @alankingvideo
    @alankingvideo 3 месяца назад

    Worked Flawlessly on my iMac 14,1 (Late 2013) , It had an SSD in it, I don't think windows would run well on the spinning rust drive. I resized the MacOS partition to make 80GB of space then created an ExFAT partition, and followed the instructions. However I did run bootcamp on windows because it has all the drivers I needed. It worked perfectly fixing Bluetooth and Sound. Thank You Verry Much. Going to do another machine now. Lastly Unlike MacOS Sequoia which runs very smoothly, on this machine. Windows is at times a bit slow, mostly when installing updates in the background, other times it works fine.

  • @acidtechno
    @acidtechno 4 месяца назад +1

    good work Mr MSS 👍

  • @trevormarr7355
    @trevormarr7355 3 месяца назад +1

    Fantastically easy, thank you Lance. I have a 5,1 with Wifi, Bluetooth, 3.46Ghz 12 core and 96gb ram upgrades all done following all your videos. Thanks you so much.
    Can I ask if there is a Tiny10 as well as a Tiny11. I would like to run some CAD software which I am not sure will run on Windows 11.
    Regards. Trevor.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  3 месяца назад

      @@trevormarr7355 regular install of 10 should work. Here is a tiny10 link have not tried it myself.

  • @AminDayekh
    @AminDayekh 4 месяца назад +2

    worked like a charm and subscribed, thank you

    • @siggisfarm1337
      @siggisfarm1337 Месяц назад

      Yes it works on my old 2011 macbook pro mojave . and i took the tiny11 subscribed. will it work with windows7 ?

  • @josemedeiros007
    @josemedeiros007 5 месяцев назад +2

    Great video Lance!

  • @johnblagden5625
    @johnblagden5625 5 месяцев назад +1

    Nice easy to follow tutorial. I've got a 2012 13-Inch MacBook Pro with Sonoma on one drive and I wanted to put Windows 11 on the second SSD in the CD/DVD drive space. Will you be doing a version up your tutorial for that sorta thing?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +1

      I have a 2012 MBP and want to do just that. But you can follow this tutorial same install. Just format the second disk in exFAT and be sure to get the disk number and s number. I have two SSDs in my 2012 MBP. YOu can just download the drivers using bootcamp assistant, don't install bootcamp just us the exec to install the drivers. Windows will most likely grab them anyway. Mine runs hot and really needs the thermal past replaced but I am a bit scared to do it.

      @STUDIO-ARDUINNA 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@MacSoundSolutions Hello, I installed Windows 11 on the main bay. While I had wifi and sound when I installed on the external SSD drive, now I have nothing from these devices. I will also put my OCLP Ventura system on the optibay. Do you know where the problem could come from. MBP 2012?
      Edit: I found the solution: I had only installed the windows ssd in the main bay. The other ssd with Ventura was not yet in the optibay. After installing it, I got wifi and sound back. The two systems are complementary.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад

      @@STUDIO-ARDUINNA you need to download and install all the bootcamp drivers.

  • @JohanDee
    @JohanDee 5 месяцев назад +1

    Not sure if I ever need it, but funny it can be done. I don't do games and everything else can be done in MacOS. Still I'd interested in some Linux distro's...

  • @6StringPassion.
    @6StringPassion. 5 месяцев назад +4

    This is sooo cool!👏

  • @JonathanShidler
    @JonathanShidler 9 дней назад +1

    I really appreciate this video

  • @theklavej
    @theklavej 5 месяцев назад +3

    Works like a charm ❤

  • @BlackCatdp
    @BlackCatdp 3 месяца назад +1

    Hi, great description of the process! I was wondering, can you use same procedure to install windows 10 Pro on MacPro1.1/ 2.1 two 3 GHz Quad Core Xeon X 5365 (Clovertown)?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  3 месяца назад +1

      Yes it works for any Intel Mac I believe. One way to find out just give it a try.

    • @BlackCatdp
      @BlackCatdp 3 месяца назад

      Great, I thank you! I will get to work on finding out. I had asked because I am not very knowledgeable and having an opinion from those who are more knowledgeable gives me the right push to try! Thanks again and happy holidays!

    • @BlackCatdp
      @BlackCatdp 3 месяца назад

      Unfortunately Win Istall app only as of version 10.13 and does not work on MacPro 2.1 El Capitan. Thank you anyway for your time

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  3 месяца назад

      @@BlackCatdp you can upgrade Mac OS using opencore legacy patcher first

    • @BlackCatdp
      @BlackCatdp 3 месяца назад

      ​@@MacSoundSolutions Thank you very much for your time but I had already looked and unfortunately Open Core LP does not offer support for MP2.1 latest supported MP3.1. Too bad!

  • @scottgrzywacz5948
    @scottgrzywacz5948 3 месяца назад

    Really cool that you are taking the time to answer most questions. I'm running Mavricks (PTHD10 with HD cards) Do I need opencore to load windows 10?

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan 3 месяца назад +1

      You have MacOS X 10.9, the minimum system for the program is MacOS X 10.13

    • @scottgrzywacz5948
      @scottgrzywacz5948 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Sergey_Galan oh wow the man himself! Thank you Sergey.

  • @MarcoMoralesF
    @MarcoMoralesF 5 месяцев назад +1

    Excelente video. Tengo una iMac Pro del 2017, ¿debería esperar al siguiente video para ver el tema de los drivers o instalar los drivers del bootcamp?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +2

      You will be fine using the bootcamp drivers downloaded from your iMac Pro. My Mac Pro has upgraded hardware so that’s why I need to install a custom driver package.

  • @julianglezz9285
    @julianglezz9285 2 месяца назад +1

    thank you very much Lance blessings!

  • @dirksteffen9375
    @dirksteffen9375 4 месяца назад

    This method is so simple and straight forward! Thanks for sharing! unfortunately I cannot get WiFi to connect at all and am stuck. With MacOS this 5,1 connects without issues to the same WiWi network as do all other devices. Win 11 sees all the WiFi networks but I cannot connect to any. It even spits out an error that the WiFi key is incorrect (which of course is correct).

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад +1

      What Wi-Fi card do you have? Is it the original? Did you watch my driver install video?

    • @dirksteffen9375
      @dirksteffen9375 4 месяца назад

      @@MacSoundSolutions I have the OEM WiFi card installed. It works ok in MacOS without OpenCore but I plan to look into upgrading it after seeing your related video. Your videos also started me into looking at OpenCore to progressively upgrade my old 5,1.
      For some reason after trying to reconnect to WiFi again today it did connect eventually .
      Your other video helped me a lot as now I have audio too :)
      These videos of yours are really nice and inspiring to start playing with these old Macs again.
      One tip as you are into gaming on Windows.
      When the Trashcan was new I used a mid spec version from new for about 4 years as a daily gaming computer.
      It had the dual D500 GPUs.
      I ran a 1080 triple screen setup on it and ran natively Windows 8 on it.
      I used hacked AMD GPU drivers on it and used several apps having both GPUs overclocked massively. Without any hardware mods I ran this setup with heavily overclocked GPUs to run racing sims (Assetto Corsa, RaceRoom, …) and it ran completely rock solid without any issues.
      The trashcan was a great machine and I am sad Apple stopped that route of having a very compact, highly capable machine that was still upgradable.

  • @GiorgioBarron
    @GiorgioBarron 5 месяцев назад +2

    Hi Lance! This is awesome! But, does this work with Martin Lo's Open Core or it have to be OCLP installed? I have Monterey on my 5,1 with MLOC, will this work for me? Thanks in advance!

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +2

      I would say yes it will work.

    • @GiorgioBarron
      @GiorgioBarron 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@MacSoundSolutions Great! Thank you amigo!

  • @shiningprince
    @shiningprince 5 месяцев назад +2

    I am always wary of apps that ask for your system password. Also, how safe do we know Tiny11 is? When pairing down the original windows ISO file, isn't it possible that malicious code is inserted? I would be happy to hear if you or anyone you know has investigated this and know that it's safe.

  • @newmfat
    @newmfat 5 месяцев назад +1

    Wow! I think this would also eliminate the risk of Windows installer messing with mac nvram. Thanks a million!

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +3

      it does as long as you select deactivate ESP when installing

    • @newmfat
      @newmfat 5 месяцев назад

      Can you please talk about this in your next video? Some users don't know about this risk (ask me how I know).

  • @TheNiceGuy-TheOne
    @TheNiceGuy-TheOne 5 месяцев назад +3


  • @palote99
    @palote99 5 месяцев назад +1

    Suscribed! Thanks 4 alll!

    @UCHUJIN0 5 месяцев назад +2

    I just prepared a whole thumb drive with Rufus and a older version of martin Los open core as i read on the youtube comments that the lastest package stops the install this seems a helluva a lot easier. so can you do this from open core monetary OS or Mojave or even on a separate laptop with sequoia for the mac 5.1 ?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +1

      The app supports Mac OS 10.13 and later so yes you can use it to install Windows but make sure to deactivate Windows ESP. I have not tried installing it with Mojave and no opencore so that is something I might test out in the future. I am going to try it on my 2012 MBP with Catalina and see what happens.

    • @UCHUJIN0
      @UCHUJIN0 5 месяцев назад

      @@MacSoundSolutions I will be sure to do so, and i will watch your future driver guide

    • @ChristopheSmith
      @ChristopheSmith 14 дней назад

      ​I have tried and get this errors "Creating NTFS Volume structures error"
      Then the EFI Bootloader Image is created on my desktop.
      Mohave version 10.14.6
      It takes 12 seconds

  • @Dewdman42
    @Dewdman42 4 месяца назад

    Great video. where can I find out more info about exactly how and why that deactivate ESD will protect my mac from accidentally booting directly to win11. what exactly is configured with that checkbox and how is it protecting it exactly?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад +1

      It deactivates the windows boot loader so windows can’t load without opencore loading first, will be making a video on bootrom protection soon.

  • @djfeng7389
    @djfeng7389 5 месяцев назад +2

    Thanks for the video. Can I use the bootcamp drivers for my MacBook Pro 2011 with Sequoia installed by OCLP?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +1

      That should work, I did that with my Mac Pro 6,1 except for the GPU AMD drivers, but for the macbook I think you can just install on the bootcamp drivers.

  • @otterformosa2968
    @otterformosa2968 4 месяца назад

    Finally. Thanks!

  • @johnfillippi1816
    @johnfillippi1816 4 месяца назад

    Great Video. Question, do you have a video that would detail cloning my mac hard drive (late 2012 mac mini with a 500GB SSD) to an external ssd and being able to run it on my windows 11 PC. I currently travel with a Windows 11 mini PC that I would like to dual boot (windows and mac). Any tips would be great. Thanks.

  • @mvpcsIL2023
    @mvpcsIL2023 2 месяца назад

    When do you install OpenCore before you create the Windows 11 Install or after? Also will it support Apple iMac 21.5" Retina 4K 2019 MRT32LL/A A2216 iMac19,2

  • @LukePoynter
    @LukePoynter 2 месяца назад

    great video Lance,! my question is: possible to carbon copy the macOS to and ssd nmve and from there install windows? to have 2 partitions on the same ssd (macOS and windows)? thnx

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  2 месяца назад +1

      How to Install Multiple OS on 1 NVMe in Mac Pro 5,1 with Opencore Legacy Patcherвидео.html you might be better off just installing the system by booting into recovery mode and following my video link above but for windows install check out my other video as you can now do it without Rufus, but that being said I had issues with Windows 24 H2, with Windows install app on my 5,1 but tiny 11 worked

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan 2 месяца назад +1

      There is no problem with this, just disable SIP. If you use Open Core as a bootloader, this can be done in the config; if you don’t use it, then through Recovery. On my Sequoia system it is enough to provide access to the disk, I tried earlier systems, they need to disable SIP.

  • @6StringPassion.
    @6StringPassion. 5 месяцев назад +1

    What are your thoughts on the trash can mac vs the 5,1 for casual use (home recording and running DaVinci resolve)? Thx.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +1

      @@6StringPassion. well you can way outperform the graphics with a 5,1 over the 6,1 but the CPU performance is better with the 6,1 for audio. Maybe both is the answer as they are pretty darn cheap. :)

  • @foxaleks.9176
    @foxaleks.9176 4 месяца назад +1

    СПАСИБО ЗА ВИДЕО. Все понятно и душевно.

  • @davidsherratt-y7x
    @davidsherratt-y7x 2 месяца назад

    Great job

  • @Frankn-hz5tq
    @Frankn-hz5tq Месяц назад

    I followed your instructions and it seemed to work ok except no sound? Please advise? Thanks

  • @Technocrat.
    @Technocrat. 5 месяцев назад +1

    Nice tanks. I have win 11 on my 2020 iMac 27"
    What i'd ike to know is how to shrink my mac partition and increas my win 11 partition lol. Without losing data.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +1

      APFS does allow you to change the size of the partition, click on the APFS partition then select partition and see if it allows you to change the size, I think it will.

    • @Technocrat.
      @Technocrat. 5 месяцев назад

      @@MacSoundSolutions for example my BootCamp partition I'd like to increase it, OSX won't let me and Win 11 won't let me if have to wipe BootCamp out erase and repattion

  • @tuhelmiah
    @tuhelmiah Месяц назад

    Many Thanks for this new method, its so easy. However
    I moved from OpenCore to OCLP.
    Not sure what I did but I have few microsoft certificate entries in the boot rom.
    Boot0000: Windows Boot Manager \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi WINDOWS
    What did I do wrong, any advise?

  • @therealdonovanjones3066
    @therealdonovanjones3066 3 месяца назад

    What would be great to know is if there is a tiny windows 10 pro. I would love to have a deflated version to install on my mac 6, 1 that I have partitioned. I have had nothing but trouble installing windows 10 pro with the standard bootcamp as well as brigadier for this older machine.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  3 месяца назад

      @@therealdonovanjones3066 I think there is, but you can just use this app to install Windows 10 I did it on my Mac Pro 5,1 no bootcamp except for some drivers from bootcamp.

  • @jameselms7342
    @jameselms7342 25 дней назад

    Hi, any advice out there? Downloaded Tiny11 however it wouldn't sit in installation window. Windows 10 iso does though (installed home version as a test) it boots from external ssd attached to MacAir. What do you think regarding the Tiny 11 version? Is it an improvement over Win 10 home? Looking to run Nvivo software only windows version as the Mac version seems an afterthought. Cheers

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan 25 дней назад

      Oh yeah, sorry, I'll fix it. When mounting the image there was a space in the name "/Volumes/tiny11 2311" I didn't count on the space, I'll fix it and update the program. In the meantime, you can mount the image and drag the file /Volumes/tiny11\ 2311/sources/install.esd to the program window

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan 25 дней назад +1

      Fixed. Download Windows Install_V6.2.5

    • @jameselms7342
      @jameselms7342 24 дня назад

      @@Sergey_Galan many thanks, your work and help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    • @jameselms7342
      @jameselms7342 24 дня назад +1

      @@Sergey_Galan With the above Windows Install_V6.2.5 Tiny 11 sits in the window, that's brilliant, thanks again for your "fix it" and communication on here.

  • @laurierdoucet7940
    @laurierdoucet7940 Месяц назад

    I installed Windows 10 on my iMac 27'' 2020; the installation went fine but the computer will not boot in Windows even if the Windows drive is available as a startup drive.

  • @monteallums7175
    @monteallums7175 2 месяца назад

    Hi, I followed the instructions. I’m using OCLP 2.1.0 BTW. Did everything just like the video instructed. But when I restart holding option and then select the EFI volume the Windows volume isn’t showing up. In the Startup Preferences pane the Windows volume does appear as a bootable volume but I am a little hesitant to try selecting it and booting as this was not part of your instructions. Any insight would be appreciated.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  2 месяца назад +4

      You don’t need to hold option when you’re booting that’s your issue. I did not hold option when I rebooted if you hold option it bypasses opencore and if you hit the protect your Mac Pro check box it’s not gonna show you the windows. You only hold down option when you first install opencore to bless the opencore install. You do not do that when you’re doing windows. In fact, like I said before that will bypass opencore in other words opencore will not load and that’s not what you want to do when you’re booting into windows so don’t hold option and just boot up and opencore should show you the windows drive in the boot loader along with your MacIntosh HD that was a really long version of just don’t hold option at boot and you’ll see your windows boot drive

    • @monteallums7175
      @monteallums7175 2 месяца назад +1

      @@MacSoundSolutions Well Dah! Thanx for the reply! BTW, thank you for the video. I've got an old Camcorder that's USB and only works with Windows so I am hoping this will work. Parallels is a no go and Boot Camp seems very complicated. This was super easy.

  • @ryguyver
    @ryguyver 3 месяца назад

    Followed you instructions and everything was going great, up until the part in the setup process where Windows checks and installs updates. I believe I got the blue screen of death error message and then after a restart been stuck on a black screen with a “Just a moment…” spinner for quite a while. I’ve got Mojave/OpenCore on an SSD and the Windows installation on a Samsung NVMe with that same exact adapter you showed in another video. Not sure what’s up… maybe I’ll try on a spare SSD to se if it’s something with the NVMe. Thanks for all your great content, I’ve learned so much about upgrading my 5,1 from you!

    • @ryguyver
      @ryguyver 3 месяца назад +1

      Posting an update in case helpful for anyone. I tried installing on a standard SSD which worked with no issues. I wiped the NVMe and tried again, but this time disconnected the computer from the internet. Setup proceed with no issues, and then I ran the available updates and still no issues. So, not entirely sure what’s up happened that first time but all seems to be ok now.

  • @blazeston3
    @blazeston3 4 месяца назад +1

    Windows install won't open for me on my MBP 15" 2017 with Seq

  • @raythompson7692
    @raythompson7692 Месяц назад

    Works with tiny win11 iso but when i try other iso just black screen. everyone having issues create a c: drive put your macos on that first then when your done reboot then create a win exfat partition and use steps here to install for some reason creating multiple partitions in disk utility caused me issues hope that helps

  • @alienrefugee51
    @alienrefugee51 5 месяцев назад +1

    Will Windows Install also make a backup of a Win10 installation?

  • @smtradersctc9763
    @smtradersctc9763 2 месяца назад

    hi...thanks for your nice info to share with us., i installed tiny W11 on my mac mini late 2012 (i7), & it runs well except bluetooth & audio, please share how to fix.
    Have a Great Day....
    ...Srinibaash with love from INDIA

  • @palote99
    @palote99 5 месяцев назад +1

    Hi again... After following your video, when i reboot i cant see windows option in boot picker.... Any suggestions?
    Cheers and thanks again!

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад

      are you using opecore? what mac are you using?

    • @palote99
      @palote99 5 месяцев назад

      @@MacSoundSolutions Yes... Im using 2.0.2 aon Macpro 5.1 2010.... I have 3 drives..1 nvme with Sequoia and 2 ssd satas.... 1 one ssd sata with Big Sur and the other I have installed w11 following your video...... The one I use to install W11 is the nvme which runs Sequoia as I said.
      Im lost to be honest.... As i said... when I reboot I cant see windows icon in boot picker, I only see Sequoia and Big Sur

    • @palote99
      @palote99 5 месяцев назад

      @MacSoundSolutions I think the problem is under Sequoia 15.0.1... EFI folder is empty. I did the same process under Big Sur and I can boot Windows from the boot picker..... Hope it helps!
      Thanks again!

  • @mbernini04
    @mbernini04 7 дней назад

    I followed the procedure and everything went well. I recovered the original bluethooth drivers and everything worked fine. After automatic updates the widgets no longer work and neither do the web info in the search box. Any solutions?

  • @jefalu368
    @jefalu368 6 дней назад

    Hi, sorry, I'm writing this video, but I just found it and I need to ask you a question. Is this possible on a Mac Mini M4? And if so, how? Thanks.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  6 дней назад +1

      @@jefalu368 no not this method but there are other methods to run Windows or just Windows apps depends on what you want to do. game or just run some Windows apps

    • @jefalu368
      @jefalu368 6 дней назад

      @MacSoundSolutions I want to install exe programs that are guitar plugins on Mac but they are from Windows and I don't know how and honestly I'm going crazy. I've used wine and things like that and nothing works. Thanks a million for answering me.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  6 дней назад +1

      @ it’s not going to work as exe files won’t work in Mac. Unless running e]within Windows on Mac, find the Mac installer vst versions of the plugins. What kind of plugin is it? Or plugin names

    • @jefalu368
      @jefalu368 6 дней назад

      @@MacSoundSolutions Thank you for answering me and trying to help me, you are very kind... all these plugins are for Mac but I pay for each plugin or program, I download them from a Russian page since they are free 🤪 I mean pirated etc... and they are only for Windows, the programs are Mercurial, Neural DSP etc... and can Windows be installed on Mac Mini with the method you have mentioned in your video? Thank you very much

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  6 дней назад +1

      @ this should do itвидео.htmlsi=AuExQBPhaymlwHmD

  • @Infinitrium
    @Infinitrium 4 месяца назад

    This didn't work too well for me on my mac mini 6,1. The install seemed to go well enough but when it came time to install boot camp drivers for the integrated intel gpu, i kept getting terribly distorted colors no matter what drivers I tried. If i uninstalled any gpu driver and let the system run with microsoft basic display drivers, I had proper color but as soon as any display drivers were installed my colors went wacky.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад +1

      @@Infinitrium did you install the bootcamp drivers and then use Apple software update in Windows to update them? You may be better off installing Windows 10 first not sure.

    • @Infinitrium
      @Infinitrium 4 месяца назад +1

      @@MacSoundSolutions Ah, turns out the mistake was mine. My Dell monitor was defaulting to YPrPb color mode without me knowing. Switching to RGB color mode fixed the problem completely. My mac mini is now running fine with Windows 11 23H2 installed with the app you listed and bootcamp drivers

  • @JimRowe-yr3zw
    @JimRowe-yr3zw 3 месяца назад

    Hi lance, thanks for all the great tips. Not having a lot of luck so far getting this onto a maxed out 5,1 with a mac flashed Radeon 7950. Got all the way through setup screens with Tiny Windows but ended up with black screen and lots of disk activity and the very occasional brief setting up message with turning thingy into eternity. Tried several reboots but no joy. Realised that the guy who's going to be using it is French speaking and as this isn't Mac OS I downloaded the French ISO of windows 11. That installs fine but at the open core bootpicker when I choose windows it comes right back with Sonoma chosen and will go no further over and over again. Any ideas?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  3 месяца назад +2

      @@JimRowe-yr3zw seems like it might be an issue with the 7950 but hard to say, I used it on my Mac Pro 5,1 but had issues with the full 11 install so had to go tiny 11. My Mac Pro 6,1 no issue at all with full 11. I would reach out to Sergey he is pretty responsive. He has a user forum. Did you try installing on an internal sata ssd and remove all other drives except opencore. A 7950 should work but hard to say, Windows is finicky

    • @JimRowe-yr3zw
      @JimRowe-yr3zw 3 месяца назад +1

      @@MacSoundSolutions Thanks Lance, I think you might be right about the 7950, seems it;s not supported in Win 11 so I tried Win 7 today, that didn't work either! I always struggle with the dark side but I'll get there in the end. Thanks again for all the videos...

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  3 месяца назад +1

      @ sorry man I know it’s frustrating.

    • @JimRowe-yr3zw
      @JimRowe-yr3zw 3 месяца назад +1

      @@MacSoundSolutions Hi Lance, well I finally did it! Seems it was the 7950, I swopped in an Nvidea K2000 and still couldn't install Win7 then tried again with Tiny Windows and bingo, it worked... I did go back one version on Install Windows as well to the version linked below. Thanks for the help and encouragement.

  • @Jo-Ann808
    @Jo-Ann808 3 месяца назад

    I have same 5,1 mid2010 MP with Radeon RX 580. I did everything as you instructed yet, it still boots into Monterey. Am I supposed to reboot by holding a series of keys etc.? BTW, I am using a windows keyboard. How do I get my computer to boot to windows?
    I have internal SSD (slot 4) with the Windows 10 (lastest version 22h2) on it. Also, I have OCLP 2.1.2 installed on my C drive. I'm having a very hard time getting it to booting into EFI boot so I can choose to which OS to boot, either Mac or Win10.
    Please help. Thanks in advance & Happy Holidays.🦃

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  3 месяца назад +1

      Sounds like it’s the keyboard but you should be able to just select windows in the startup disk system prefs. You don’t want to hold option at boot as that will bypass opencore.

  • @robertnorris3036
    @robertnorris3036 Месяц назад

    Followed these instructions exactly - never tried installing Windows on my 5,1 before - no Windows boot option appear for me. i currently can boot into Mac and Ubuntu.
    Did you perhaps with previous install setup something with EFI?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  Месяц назад

      @@robertnorris3036 do you have opencore installed?

    • @robertnorris3036
      @robertnorris3036 Месяц назад

      @@MacSoundSolutions yes I do. Currently booting mac os and ubuntu

    • @robertnorris3036
      @robertnorris3036 Месяц назад

      @@MacSoundSolutions I think the installer created this config.plist earlier today when I installed windows with your methdo... but it put it an additional efi folder inside the efi folder. Not sure if that's normal.
      e.g. /EFI/EFI/OC/config.plist
      file was created around the time I installed windows. It has drivers for NTFS and openruntime some misc entries relating to windows.
      my existing config is in /EFI/OC/config.plist
      Wondering if its normal to have 2 configs now... or if i should just transfer the values to their correct place in the original config

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  Месяц назад +1

      @@robertnorris3036 there should not be an additional EFI folder it should go MOUNTED EFI DRIVE inside drive ONE EFI FOLDER ONE SYSTEM FOLDER (inside system is library /coreservices/boot.efi) inside EFI folder is (APPLE FOLDER and BOOT FOLDER and MICROSOFT FOLDER and OC FOLDER don't remember seeing system folder with the efi folder but have not been using open core for quite some time except just updated the other day to 2.2.0 The windows install should not be creating a new config.plist

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  Месяц назад +1

      @ I only have one EFI folder inside the EFI drive then I have an Apple folder, a boot folder, a Microsoft folder and an OC folder. The OC folder has the config.P list.

  • @6StringPassion.
    @6StringPassion. 5 месяцев назад +11

    You do realize that Apple considers installing Windows on a very old Mac to be elder abuse, right?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +6

      @@6StringPassion. actually it runs faster than modern Mac OS does on the old boy 🤷🏼

    • @6StringPassion.
      @6StringPassion. 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@MacSoundSolutions And that is precisely why Apple doesn't like you anymore. LOL...

    • @davidcmcchesney
      @davidcmcchesney Месяц назад +1

      It’s Keeping it alive instead of letting it die 😂

  • @davidreynics3271
    @davidreynics3271 23 дня назад

    Be careful, if you already have a Windows 10 installed, this will kill it. I found it out the hard way. Keep a backup of your EFI folder!

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan 23 дня назад

      You can also restore the Windows 10 bootloader; the program has a corresponding option.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  22 дня назад

      Always a good idea to backup your Microsoft efi folder for safe keeping.

  • @MrAlan1828
    @MrAlan1828 3 месяца назад

    I just got a used iMac 11,1 and struggling on Win10, once the GPU is loaded I get a Black screen, Now Boot Camp does support up to Windows 7...... I think this is the time to try W11

  • @artoutlawphoto
    @artoutlawphoto 5 месяцев назад +1

    now do a video how to install mac os on a pc :)

  • @djfeng7389
    @djfeng7389 5 месяцев назад

    My Mac Pro 5,1 using Martin Lo OpenCore, can I follow this tutorial to install Windows 11?

  • @azeera99
    @azeera99 4 месяца назад

    is there any guide using macbook pro..?? since it has only one HD

  • @paulschadel3894
    @paulschadel3894 8 дней назад

    Thanks for the Video! At First everything seemed fine for me but during the windows installation part (after choosing the country, language etc.) the Mac booted several times and stopped on the black screen with the windows logo. No spinning circle or something. After a reboot the issue persists… does anyone have advice for me? Kind regards

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  8 дней назад

      Are you using opencore? Get the older version 23H2 or tiny 11

    • @paulschadel3894
      @paulschadel3894 8 дней назад

      Thanks for the fast reply. I am using opencore and used Tiny11.

  • @IAmEd
    @IAmEd 4 месяца назад

    I am getting a issue when I click install. It says “disk access must be granted”. I can assure you I have selected this in Mojave system preferences. I also have only got a rx580 (no boot screen), with no internal graphics card. Will this be the best way? I have Mac Pro 6,1 with boot camp, could I just clone that drive?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад +1

      Did you add the app to disk access and turn it on? I know you say you did but I have not tried this in Mojave. Then reboot. Not sure if installing another Macs cloned windows install will work as the drivers mainly graphics might mess things up but maybe. Also make sure opencore is working don’t boot into windows by holding the option key. You need the bootrom protection from Opencore if your using stock Mojave without opencore you should just use bootcamp and install windows 10.

    • @IAmEd
      @IAmEd 4 месяца назад

      @@MacSoundSolutionsit says boot camp is no available. I just bought this yesterday of marketplace, how can I tell if it’s open core? It doesn’t have any boot screen, it just is black until moments before login screen.

    • @IAmEd
      @IAmEd 4 месяца назад

      Thanks for the speedy reply!

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад +1

      @@IAmEd ​​⁠that means you do not have opencore, don’t install windows without protection of opencore. I would go for opencore legacy patcher if this is your first time around and do some reading up first and watch some of my videos and others.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад

      @ bootcamp is in the applications utilities folder

  • @Doing-It-DI-TY
    @Doing-It-DI-TY 4 дня назад

    Any idea if this should work with Windows 7 on a 5,1? I ran it the with 'Deactivate ESP' and it will just hang on the 'Starting Windows' after booting from OC

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 дня назад +1

      It has to be windows 10 or 11 I don’t think 7 is supported.

    • @Doing-It-DI-TY
      @Doing-It-DI-TY 4 дня назад +2

      @@MacSoundSolutions I saw Sergey comment that 7 was supported - awaiting more detail on if the setup is any different. Thanks for all your videos!

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 дня назад +1

      @@Doing-It-DI-TY ah sorry my bad he does check out comments here but you can ask on his site for the app

  • @shadow5oh
    @shadow5oh 2 месяца назад

    Just tried on my Mac mini 6,2 very cool, everything has loaded. Extremely fast too! I rebooted and unfortunately can not see the new windows partition on restart. Perhaps it is because I am attempting without open core. I will load open core and try again. Right now I have is Catalina and I am wanting to upgrade to sequoia. Been trying to make a windows partition for a while now with no success. Hopefully this works. Windows did work, unfortunately no sound. I tried updating driver but no luck.
    Update: reinstalled windows still no sound. Searching to resolve a PCI communication error, haven’t found the correct driver yet.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  2 месяца назад

      minimum os for this is Big Sur

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan 2 месяца назад

      You did not need to enable “Deactivate Windows ESP”, you need to enable it when open core is installed.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  2 месяца назад

      @@Sergey_Galan except for the Mac Pro 5,1 yes?

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan 2 месяца назад +1

      @@MacSoundSolutions He has a Mac mini 6.2 and can install Windows UEFI without using open core, but with the “Deactivate Windows ESP” function turned off.

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan 2 месяца назад

      @@MacSoundSolutions I could be wrong, but Macs since 2012 can boot Windows UEFI

  • @leoupdate8150
    @leoupdate8150 Месяц назад

    I really don’t understand the step 2, do I have to get a drive?

  • @Robdogz22
    @Robdogz22 4 месяца назад

    can I use an external ssd drive for this ? I wanted to play steam games on my Mac but most games are on windows so im trying to have both

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад

      You can I had issues booting off thunderbolt with windows 11 but usb external worked fine.

  • @dirksteffen9375
    @dirksteffen9375 4 месяца назад

    Anyone else on a 2010 5,1 running Mojave and OpenCore LP having big problems getting Windows 11 to run?
    I have tried for days on end now to just get Windows 11 to run. The method works fantastic, really quick, convenient and simple, just Windows 11 from the linked tiny11 ISO just does not work.
    The number of stuck boots, WiFi issues and constantly forgetting BT mouse and keyboard simply makes this a nightmare and a colossal waste of time.
    I am giving Win 10 and if that doesn't work Win 8 another try but Win11 is just a nightmare to get to run on this cMP 5,1

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад

      Strange what GPU do you have, it’s running great for me.

    • @dirksteffen9375
      @dirksteffen9375 4 месяца назад

      @@MacSoundSolutions I have a RX 580 Sapphire Pulse PC GPU. It runs now fairly ok in Win10 but still has significant issues connecting to WiFi under Windows (no such issues under Mojave). I plan now to gradually upgrade it including looking for WiFi upgrade options and upgrading to the latest Mac OS to be in sync with my other Macs.
      perhaps along the way the Windows WiFi issues get solved that way.

  • @vencler
    @vencler 4 месяца назад

    Would this work with a 2019 16" Macbook Pro, last model with intel i9, 64gb ram, 1tb and 5500m

  • @DamonChuckLover89
    @DamonChuckLover89 4 месяца назад

    I wonder if this would work with my Mac mini 2018. I don’t have open core installed and I just have the newest Sequoia

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад

      @@DamonChuckLover89 yes it would work watch my video doing it on my n 6,1 Trashcan, you can also install it on an external usb drive.

  • @not_crazy
    @not_crazy 5 месяцев назад +2

    Any reason this wouldn't work on a 3,1?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад

      I would think it would but have not tried it. It should work with any intel Mac.

  • @macmind62-uu6rr
    @macmind62-uu6rr 5 месяцев назад +1

    I have tried this method on my MacPro 5.1(2012). But I can't get it to boot. It just appears on the Windows logo and does not go any further. 😑

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад

      If you have a windows iso on a thumb drive while trying to boot it may cause Windows to get stuck, remove the thumb try and boot into windows again.

    • @Macwill1985
      @Macwill1985 5 месяцев назад

      What GPU do you have ?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад

      @@Macwill1985 rx580

    • @macmind62-uu6rr
      @macmind62-uu6rr 4 месяца назад

      @@Macwill1985 RX 590 8Gb

  • @suwitphanitsophonchai3295
    @suwitphanitsophonchai3295 4 месяца назад

    I have follow the instruction on M4,1 flashed rom, High Siera. The installation process looks completed and then found the blue screen problem after windows have updated the latest version. error code:0xc0000001. Or it cause by my GPU GT120? thank you.

    • @suwitphanitsophonchai3295
      @suwitphanitsophonchai3295 4 месяца назад +1

      Realized that the GPU need to be update, it went well with Windows 10. Thank you.

  • @laurierdoucet7940
    @laurierdoucet7940 Месяц назад

    It does not seem to work on Hackintosh. I created an EXFAT partition on my motherboard NVME drive and launched Windows Install. The process lasted 4 seconds. An untitled hard drive was created but nothing got installed on it.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  Месяц назад

      @@laurierdoucet7940 only work with Big Sur and later what OS? And it’s intel only.

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan Месяц назад

      Where you downloaded the program there is a “Discussion” section, write to me there.After an installation, save the log (File -> Save Log). I'll take a look.

    • @laurierdoucet7940
      @laurierdoucet7940 Месяц назад

      @@MacSoundSolutions Mac Sequoia Intel Alder Lake cpu NVME 2 TB.

  • @alslsb
    @alslsb 25 дней назад

    Ok ... I've tried on a Mac that uses OCLP. The Windows Install trounced the OCLP EFI boot. What am I doing wrong? Is there a tutorial using Windows Install on a OCLP install????

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  25 дней назад

      @@alslsb hmm this is exactly that I was using OCLP what Mac?

    • @alslsb
      @alslsb 25 дней назад

      @ Mac Pro 6,1 with Sequoia 15.3.1

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan 25 дней назад

      The program installs the Microsoft folder (Windows bootloader) on the EFI partition, in the EFI folder. If the EFI folder contains the OC or Clover folder, the program will not change the BOOT folder and the BOOTx64.efi file in it. I don't know how OpenCore can break.

    • @alslsb
      @alslsb 24 дня назад

      @@Sergey_Galan there are multiple modes for the install, for example legacy boot mode or UEFI mode. Which one do I use with OCELP

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan 24 дня назад

      @@alslsb UEFI

  • @vandaleca4983
    @vandaleca4983 5 месяцев назад +1

    Will this method work with Apple M1 M2 M3 chips?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +1

      no :( maybe in the future with the Windows ARM OS

  • @Leavines
    @Leavines 5 месяцев назад +1

    for some reason its not taking my admin pw. i ubdated my pw in sys settings to be sure and tried again. still not taking...

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад

      Check your security privacy settings and make sure Full disk Access/ Windows Install is switched on. I did not have to do this when I installed it though maybe it will fix your issue.

    • @nufit7
      @nufit7 2 месяца назад

      @@MacSoundSolutions Incorrect password. I had full disk access for windows install but it is not work. please help

  • @StefanLaketa
    @StefanLaketa 3 месяца назад

    I tried it out on my Mac Pro 4,1 (updated to 5,1) with a RX580. Currently running Sequoia on the internal SATA disk. Installed a NVMe drive to install Windows 11 on and followed this guide. Everything copies OK, but when I try to boot into Windows I get a BSOD showing me that winload.efi is missing or broken. Have no idea how to fix that. Any ideas? (Using OpenCore also since it was needed to install Sequoia.)

    • @StefanLaketa
      @StefanLaketa 3 месяца назад

      Just adding some info. Tried with both the Tiny11 version of Windows 11 Pro and a full ISO downloaded from Microsoft. The same result.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  3 месяца назад

      @@StefanLaketa makes sure to reformat the drive to exfat guid and try tiny11 make sure it’s tiny11 2311 based on 23H2 windows

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  3 месяца назад

      If there is an old egg from your first attempt with full windows 11 that may be the issue.

    • @StefanLaketa
      @StefanLaketa 3 месяца назад

      ​@@MacSoundSolutions Thank you for answering. :) Appreciate it. Yes, for every try I have reformatted the drive via Disk Utility to ExFAT / GUID. And I have tried both the 23H2 Windows from Tiny11 and a separate "full" 24H2 ISO downloaded from Microsoft. Same issues.
      Is it something special I have to enable in the OpenCore settings? Or do I have to do something with OpenCore after running the whole Windows Install-app process?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  3 месяца назад

      @ no I didn’t have to do anything with open core. It just worked for me. You might wanna reach out Sergey on his app page. The fact that it installs OK it means there’s something going on with windows and from other installs I’ve done without using the app by using Rufus. I always had to remove all the other hard drives but you know I didn’t have to do that with this app it could be the rom of your GPU if it’s not stock, but not sure.

  • @SonLe-mr2id
    @SonLe-mr2id 4 месяца назад +1

    it says : wrong password... all the time! I've tried to change my admin password twice but not working. Anyone meets this?

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan 4 месяца назад

      Hello. For some reason, the program cannot write the password into the keychain and, accordingly, retrieve it from there. Try the legacy version of Windows Install 5.9.1, this version does not write the password to the keychain.

  • @AmanOU2be
    @AmanOU2be 13 дней назад

    I know this is is a silly thing to WANT to do, but, can you INstall Win XP on a 5,1 this way?

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan 13 дней назад +1

      No, Windows 7 and later systems.

    • @Doing-It-DI-TY
      @Doing-It-DI-TY 4 дня назад

      @@Sergey_Galan Anything special to the Win 7 install? Deactivate ESP is checked but I''m stuck at 'Starting Windows'

  • @tonrotterdam
    @tonrotterdam 5 месяцев назад +1

    Wondering if this would work on a 2015 iMac 5K…

  • @JohnnyLeeXYZ
    @JohnnyLeeXYZ 4 месяца назад

    This is not easy or 3 minutes. I also do not want to partition half a drive I want to completely switch over to windows. how do I do this?? why does kno1 have a video on this???

  • @jimberberian129
    @jimberberian129 2 месяца назад

    When I put Tiny11 to Windows Install app it shows only one option Index: 1 Edition: Windows 11 pro. And then it ended in 11 seconds without installing files and creates only the boot loader. Why so?

    • @Sergey_Galan
      @Sergey_Galan 2 месяца назад +2

      Where you downloaded the program there is a “Discussion” section, write to me there.After an installation, save the log (File -> Save Log). I'll take a look.

    • @jimberberian129
      @jimberberian129 2 месяца назад

      @@Sergey_Galan thanks, ok!

  • @Azulemaul
    @Azulemaul 5 месяцев назад

    I am stuck after loading services it goes black screen , any idea? I tried multiple time, sometimes it just shows win logo . Also I tried tiny10 same thing, after rebuild EFI same thing. I have open core and tried from Mojave and Big Sur

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  5 месяцев назад +3

      @@Azulemaul I found that if I left my thumb drive attached after install with the windows iso on it windows would get stuck at boot.

    • @Azulemaul
      @Azulemaul 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@MacSoundSolutionsthanks that worked!!! You’re a wizard! I got a win10 pro to boot I may try the tiny10 or 11 again later

  • @kokopogs937
    @kokopogs937 4 месяца назад

    Hello just want to ask if this is applicable to M1 chip? Thanks

  • @hmd-1747
    @hmd-1747 4 месяца назад

    Hi sir i successfully installed a tiny windows 11 in my cMP. But when i turn my cMP on i see two windows icon in boot picker. How do i remove on them?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад +1

      Did you have a past install of Windows? What do you see in system prefs startup disk is there more than one choice for Windows / bootcamp? You may have a old Microsoft folders in one of your EFIs.

    • @hmd-1747
      @hmd-1747 4 месяца назад

      @MacSoundSolutions how do i remove it? I opened the Microsoft folder in efi using clover configurator i just found one Microsoft folder.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад +2

      @ you don’t want to remove it unless you have another drive with the Microsoft folder on the efi. If you do have two you can delete the one you don’t want, but make a backup of it first . If opencore does t see the Microsoft folder in the efi you won’t be able to boot into windows.
      Just drag it to the desktop and delete from the efi folder put in the trash from the efi folder and make sure to empty the trash. If you don’t see windows in the bootloader at all on the next boot you will have to put it back in the efi folder. It sounds to me like you must have two Microsoft folders on two different drive EFIs.

    • @hmd-1747
      @hmd-1747 4 месяца назад

      @@MacSoundSolutions i removed the Microsoft folder in efi partition store on installed monterey ssd and finally windows icon in bootloader disappeared.

  • @tjthrush
    @tjthrush 4 месяца назад

    Tried this on an ext SSD (samsung x5). After setting No Security (secure boot) and Allow booting from ext/removable media (allowed boot media), when I select Win 10, I get a flash of the (blue) Win icon and then a black screen that eventually reboots into into Ventura. Any suggestions?

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад

      @@tjthrush what Mac are you using, it needs to boot off USB. Thunderbolt did not work for me on my Mac Pro 7,1 externally

    • @tjthrush
      @tjthrush 4 месяца назад

      @@MacSoundSolutions So many gotchas. Also have a MP7,1. Have 4 TB ssd, and a PCIe card with two 1TB blades. Main goal is to have one blade w/ macos and the other w/ Win 10. Could not get this to boot even though the save log from Windows Install indicates successful installation. Some EFI conflict??

    • @tjthrush
      @tjthrush 4 месяца назад +1

      @@MacSoundSolutions Lance, still no joy. Took your advice and installed on a (much slower) usb 3 ext ssd and that was unsuccessful as well for Win 10 booting. I even used an older iso of Win 10, no joy either. I'm totally stumped. Left a comment for Sergey also. Was considering what you did for your 6,1 but there is no way to remove the apple ssd on the 7,1. Could you please make a video using your 7,1 and installing Win 10 using an NVMe blade on a PCIe card? I'm missing something and you are a mac/win sensei

    • @tjthrush
      @tjthrush 4 месяца назад +1

      Fixed! I was using an (old skool) Apple Cinema Display and without an appropriate Win 10 driver and it couldn't move fwd passed the 1st splash screen. Installed a newer monitor using HDMI connections and it worked.

    • @MacSoundSolutions
      @MacSoundSolutions  4 месяца назад

      @ interesting thanks for the update